Burdett's Hospitals and Charities, 1913. By Sir Henry Burdett, K.C.B.,
K.C.V.O. (The Scientific Press. 10s. 6d.. net.)—This is the twenty-fourth issue of this useful reference- book. In addition to the directory proper, the history of the last year in the field of charities and hospitals is reviewed in an interesting series of chapters. The discussion of the effect upon hospitals of the Insurance Act deserves especial notice. The writer makes certain suggestions for amendments in the Act, with a view to safeguarding the position of the voluntary hospitals, and at the same time for effecting the co-operation of all agencies, State and voluntary, for medical relief. " In a few years' time," he adds, " people would read with amaze- ment of the want of organization, of the carelessness, the overlapping, the ruinous waste of money, and the many other evils of the present system."