SIR,—Hugh Ross Williamson quotes from the encyclical Mystici Corporis. To make the matter clear, would he also enlighten us whether this docu- ment is an 'infallible' utterance, or something which may be changed? Would he also tell us about the heretical Popes who, apparently, by their heresy severed themselves from the Body of Christ, and yet remained in their papacy without ejection? And would he tell us the position of Roman Catholics? Since they accept as dogma the doctrines of papal infallibility, the Immaculate Conception, and the bodily Assumption, and have thereby departed—by addition—from the Catholic Faith, once delivered to the Saints, they are obviously heretical, and pre- sumably schismatic, since Rome has thus made her- self into a sect teaching its own forms of religion.
One ignores the sneer in his letter about Angli- cans receiving Confirmation from a layman—it is the sort of thing we expect from ex-Catholics who have become Romanists.—Yours faithfully, DAVID F. EVANS St, Mary's Vicarage, Lansdowne Road, N17