Crossword no. 1330
Across 1 Bedtime bell for Ariel (8) 5 How improved harvest return might be referred to in conversation? (4, 2) 9 French mathematician expresses inward measure of the good consort (8) 10 Fleet Street chairman (6) 12 Ape emerging from a stream in old Portuguese colony (7) 13 The exteme seems to be a powerful prevari- cator! (7) 14 What Thomas Fuller did is singularly meri- torious (12) 17 Reverse of cloudy? (6, 6) 22 The practical man is concerned with a schedule (7) 23 . . and the brushwood sheaf round the Vole' (Browning) (3-4) 24 He-cats can be pure! (6) 25 Kicked up by a top Hollywood row? (4-4) 26 Pad for a model (6) 27 'That fierce light which beats upon a throne and — every blot' (Tennyson) (8) Down 1 It might give variety to a chop (6) 2 A boat for Old Crome? (6) 3 Having a division in globular dispositions (7) 4 Italian' floral tributes worn on many an Ed- wardian corsage (5, 7) 6 Expel no. 8 from the open-air party (7)
7 Country-lovers (8)
8 Shows red lights, of course! (8) 11 Bossy? (12)
15 Practises fight-lacing,-presumably (8)
16 'Some think him ill-tempered and queer But a few think him — enough,' wrote Lear of Lear (8) 18 Saintly correspondence? (7) 19 Mice run for the count! (7) 20 Moorish grumble in August presumably (6) 21 They get set up with the gen, these ancient Romans (6) Solution next week Solution to Crossword no. 1329. Across: 1 Cap- tain Cuttle 9 Clapboard 10 Samba 11 Prado 12 Imitators 13 Lateran 15 Skirted 17 Derring 19 Spinoza 21 Free-wheel 23 Agent 24 Elect 25 Die- sinker 26 Fair and square. Down: 2 Alabaster 3 Taboo 4 Icarian 5 Caddies 6 Toscanini 7 Limbo 8 Paused 9 Copal 14 Rain-water 16 Two-decker 17 Duffer 18 Guerdon 19 Salvers 20 Alter 22 Elena 23 Adieu.