For and, against the motion for going into a Committee to consider the Laws im- posing Disabilities on his Majesty's Roman Catholic Subjects, with a view to their remount-March 6.
Rice, T. S.
Itobarts, .1. W.
Robinson. Sir G.
Rowley. Sir 11'. liumbold,C ltussell, It. (l.
)tthoell, Lord John' Russell, W.
Sandon, V iscount Sounder, .f I, .1.
Searlett, sir.1.
Sc,,,;. II Sehright, Sir .T.
Sefton, Karl of
Sinclair, lion. Captain Slattey, Solidi, Hon. R.
Smith, SO11111,1.1. 1.0I'd George Somerset. Lord Edward Somerville, 'jr 31.
Stanley, Lord Stanley, E.
Stewart. W.
Sums. hod 1'. J.
Stewart. Sir II.
Stuart. 11 Villiers Suede.. 11 C.
Scott. Sir IV.
Stewart, Joint Taylor, M. A.
Taylor. C. IV.
Teton. C. Thonip,on. W.
I' IL 1110111.111, r. P. 'I'Itytine. Lord G.' Thyme.. Lord .T. Thynne, Loud IV. Tiemtey, Ill Hon. George Tindal, Sir N.
'Pownsbend, lion. J. Tithe, Hugh Tonne. E. 'l'o'ss. II. Tynte, C. K.
• I'lltion, lion. II.
Villi.,. T. H.
Vivian. Sir II.
%Coition:tit .1 Wanton IVol ker. .r.
Warburton, If. AVarrentler, Si r Webb, E.
NVestettra.1 Ion. II. *Western, C.
Whitbread, S. c.
IVItio I uead, IV. II. White. S.
White, Colonel li'llitonort., IV. IV. Wilbraham, G. IVallo't,'I'.
Ii'illiams, .1. F. IVilliattos, to. 14'ilsoo, Sir It. IVintoingtott, sir T. wistchouse, E. Nt'oett, 31.
Rood, C..
1Vorcester. Atarquis of Wortley, 11011-1. lIrottesley. Sir .1.
turNort ITV.