ABINGDON. Major Reed retiree, as he intends to contest Finsbury. Mr. J. T. Norris, a London Common Councilman, is a Liberal candidate. Mr. H. D. Burr, late High Sheriff of Berlm, formerly a Derbyite, now offers himself as one having no hostile feeling to Lord PS11110r8I011. ANGLESEY BOROUGHS. Mr. W. Owen Stanley., the present Member for Chester, will succeed Lord George Paget, who retires. AYLESBURY. It is said that Mr. Layard is not likely to offer himself again to the borough, in consequence of a general dissatisfaction at his vote on the China question. BARNSTAPLE. Mr. John Laurie is a candidate: a Conservative.
BATH. Captain Scobell retires. Mr. Whatelv, Q.C. offers himself. The Liberals wish Sir Arthur Elton to stand : Sir Mn Hare appears without invitation.
BERWICK. The sitting Members are to have an opponent—Mr. Stapleton : it is not clear whether it is announced as a recommendation of Mr. Stapleton that he was "a Director of the Royal British Bank" BEvvaiLwr. Mr. Wells, an old Member, and the Honourable W. H. F. Denison, eldest son of Lord Londesborough, are candidates : they support Lord Palmerston.
BODMIN. Mr. Wylcl, of the Great Globe in Lein:later Square, stands on the Liberal interest.
BOLTON. It is stated that room will be made for Mr. Cobden here.
BOSTON. Mr. Herbert Ingrain is believed to be safe. Mr. Cabbell is expected to retire ; and Mr. .11 illiam Henry Adams, a barrister of Boston, is looked to as a candidate.
BRADFORD. Mr. Milligan retires. General Perronet Thompson and Mr. Titus bait are new candidates ; Mr. 1Vickluun offers himself for reelection. BRIDGEWATER. Major Graham will attempt to gain a seat from one of the old Members as a supporter of Lord Palmerston. BRIDFORT. Mr. E. Smith and Mr. K. Hodgson will appear in opposition to the sitting Members. BRIGHTON. There are two new candidates—Professor Creasy, and Mr. William Coningham the seat to be contested is Lord Alfred Hervey's BURY. Mr. R. N. Philips, brother to Mr. Mark Philips, a Liberal, will oppose Mr. Frederick Peel. BURY ST. EDMUNDS. Mr. J. A. Hardcastle, Liberal, is a candidate. CAMBRIDGE. Mr. Mowatt retires. Mr. J. 'Ebben, Liberal, and Mr.
K. Macaulay, Q.C.,_Conservative, offer themselves.
CANTERBURY. Mr. C. P. Cooper, Q.C., and Sir William Somerville are candidates on the LiberaLside ; Mr. C. M. Lushington appears as a "Liberal Conservative."
CARDIFF. Mr. Coffin is expected to retire. Colonel Stuart, son of Lord J. Stuart, will be a candidate. CHATHAM. Mr. W. G. Romaine, C.13., Deputy Judge-Advocate with the Army in the Crimea, is the Liberal candidate. Captain Vernon, the present Conservative Member, is not expected to offer himself again. Sir F. Smith is the Conservative candidate.
CHESTER. Mr. Henry Grenfell, a Liberal, offers himself as a successor to Mr. Owen Stanley. CHIPPENHAM. Mr. Neold goes to Cricklade. Mr. W. J. Lysley, Liberal, will seek a seat.
CIRENCESTER. The Tories propose Mr. Alexander Bathurst in opposition to Mr. Ponsonby, one of the present Members. COLCHESTER. Mr. Hawkins will retire ; Mr. Rebow will offer himself again. There will be a contest, Mr. Miller and Mr. Hamilton being candidates.
CORNWALL, EAST. A now candidate appears in Mr. Carew to contest one of the seats.
DARTMOUTH. Should Mr. W. S. Lindsay be put up here as a candidate, two other Liberal candidates—Mr. W. J. Neale and Mr. C. S. Hayne--will probably retire. DENBIGHSHIRE BOROUGHS. Mr. West, Conservative, retires. There aro two candidates—Mr. T. Mainwaring, Conservative ; and Mr. Maurice, Liberal.
DEnnv. Mr. Heyworth retires ; Mr. Bass offers himself again ; Mr. James, of the Chancery bar, Mr. Alderman Moss, and Mr. L. Beale, are Liberal candidates.
DERBYSHIRE, SOUTH. Mr. Mundy retires. Mr. T. W. Evans is a Liberal candidate.
DEVIZES. Mr. Heneage retires. Mr. S. W. Taylor and Mr. D. Griffith are candidates.
DEVONPORT. Mr. James Wilson opposes Sir G. Berkeley. An opposition was threatened to Sir E. Perry, and Mr. Osborne, Member for Middlesex, was put forward ; but he has withdrawn, and probably there will be no further attempt to oust Sir Erskine. DEVONSHIRE, NORTH. Mr. L. W. Buck will retire, his health having failed ; Sir T. D. Aeland also retires. Mr. G. S. Buck, Member for Barnstaple, and Sir S. H. Northcote, are candidates ; probably Mr. C. W. Trefuns, son of Lord Clinton, will make a third Conservative aspirant. DILOITWICH. Sir John Pakington seeks reelection : no opposition announced.
EAST RETFORD. Mr. Frank Foljambe, a Liberal, will try to oust ORO of the present Conservative Members. ESSEX, NORTH. Sir John Tyrell retires. Mr. Charles Du Cane offers himself on "Conservative and Protestant principles." EXETER. Mr. It, S. Gard, Conservative, will oppose Mr. Divett. PRONE. Mr. Donald Nicoll will again try his fortune, as a Radical, attempting to break down the Bath and Cork influence. GLAMOROANHHIRE. Mr. H. H. Vivian, Member for Truro' and Mr. Edwards Vaughan, are new candidates. Mr. Talbot, a sitting Member, and Mr. Vivian—both Liberals—are likely to be returned.
GLOUCESTER. Mr. Samuel Baker, Conservative and Free-trader, is to be proposed. GRANTHAM. Sir G. E. Welby is safe ; Lord Montagu William Graham's seat will be contested.
GREAT GRIMSBY. The Government are expected to gain a vote by the election of Lord Worsley in place of the Earl of Anneslev. GREAT YARMOUTH. Mr. W. T. M'Cullagh and Mr. B. W. Watkin are the Liberal candidates.
GUILDFORD. Besides the sitting Members, Mr. William Bovill, a Conservative, and Mr. Austin and Mr. Guildford Onslow, Liberals, are candidates.
HALIFAX. Sir Charles Wood and Mr. Crossley will be again supported by the Liberals. Major Edwards is a candidate on the Conservative tilde. HAMPSHIRE, NORTH. Mr. Beach, of Oakley Hall, Basingstoke, is named as a Conservative candidate to succeed the Speaker. HAVERFORDWEST. Mr. Rees has started in the Liberal interest. HORSHAM. Mr. Scott, Deputy Chairman of the Brighton Railway, opposes Mr. Fitzgerald, who voted against Lord Palmerston. HUDDERSFIELD. Lord Goderich retires, to stand for the West Riding. HULL. Mr. James -Clay, one of the present Members, and the Honourable Mr. William Henry Forrester Denison, son of Lord Londesborough, will be the Liberal candidates. Mr. W. D. Seymour has announced his retirement. ITUNTINGDONSHIRE. Mr. J. M. Heatheote is a candidate to oust a sitting Member.
KENT, WEST. Mr. Whatman, now Member for Maidstone, is to be the second Liberal candidate ; and tie Conservatives are also to put forward a second man.
KIDDERMLNSTER. Mr. Boycott, a resident, threatens an opposition to Mr. Lowe. The latter, however, has met with a very favourable reception. R KNAESBOROUGH. Two new candidates—Mr. Westhead, Libera and citi
Mr. Collins, Conservative; the opposing parties seeking to return both embers of their own views, in place of having a divided representation as at present. LANcasninE, Norms. Mr. Heywood retires ; Colonel Patten offers himself for reelection. Lord Cavendish is a Liberal candidate.
LANCASTER. Mr. T. Greene retires. Mr. Robert Gladstone and Mr. W. J. Garnett are new candidates : Mr. Garnett supports Lord Palmerston on the China question, and Mr. Gladstone follows him in all things. LEEDS. Sir George Goodman retires on account of ill health. Mr. R. Hall, Recorder of Doncaster, is a Conservative candidate ; a Liberal one is to be obtained.
LEICESTERSHIRE, SOUTH. Sir Henry Halford retires. LEWES. Sir Charles Blunt is a Conservative candidate.
Lismomst. Major Sibthorp is considered to be secure. Mr. Heneage's seat will be attacked, probably by Mr. Tennyson D'Eyncourt.
LINCOLNSHIRE, NORTH. Mr. C. N. Hamilton retires. Sir Montagu Iohn Cholmeley, a Liberal, is expected to succeed him, with Mr. Stanhope, one of the present Members, as a colleague. LINCOLNSHIRE, SouTn. Lord Burghley changes to North Northamptonshire.
LIVERPOOL. The extreme Tories, against the wish of their moderate brethren, propose to bring forward Mr. Turner in opposition to Mr. Ewart. The Liberals will probably be content to return Mr. Ewart. LUDLOW. Lord W. Powlett retires.
LYMINGTON. Mr. Mackinnon, son of the Member for Rye, is a candidate.
MarnsTosts. Mr. Lee offers himself for relection ; Mr. Whatman stands for the Western division of the countyr. Mr. Humphrey Mildmay is the second Liberal candidate. Mr. A. J. B. Beresford Hope and Captain Scott are on the Conservative side.
Ittar.nois. Besides the sitting Members, the candidates will be Mr. Western, Mr. WEnteer, and Mr. Du Cane. Mr. Sheriff Medd has retired in favour of Mr. Weatern, as he believes only one Liberal candidate has a chalice of being returned. AlmsenrsTEn. Mr. Bright and Mr. Gibson will meet with opposition— Mr. Robert Lowe and Sir john Potter are invited to stand.
MIDDLESEX. Mr. Osborne will probably retire, and seek a seat at Devonport. The Marquis of Blandford will be the Conservative candidate.
3inintnist. Mr. Warren is to be opposed by Mr. T. D. Hibbert, a barrister, who will give Lord Palmerston an independent support.
MONMOUTH BOROUGHS. Mr. C. Bailey is to be opposed by Mr. Thomas Brown, a local merchant.
NORTHAMPTON. Mr. Currie retires, to stand for the City of London. His son, or Lord Henley, will be the Liberal candidate to succeedhim. Mr, G. W. Hunt appears on the Tory side. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, 'NORTH. Mr. Fitzpatrick Vernon, son of Mr. Vernon Smith, will contest the division of the county as a supporter of Lord Palmerston.
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, SOUTH. Lord Althorp will be a candidate, on Liberal principles. NORWICH. Sir Samuel Bignold is again the choice of the Conservatives. Mr. Warner retires. Viscount Bury and Mr. Schneider are Liberal candidates.
OLDHAM. Mr. James Platt, of Hartford Iron-works, is to be put forward as a colleague for Mr. Fox, in opposition to Mr. .1. 11.Cobbett, one of the present Members. OXFORD CITY. Besides the sitting Members, Mr. Neate, Senior Fellow of Oriel, and Mr. Sergeant Gaselee, Liberals, are candidates. OXFORD UNIVERSITY. It was rumoured that Sir George Cornewall Lewis was to be invited to contest Mr. Gladstone's seat : Sir George is a member of Christ Church. He has, however, issued his address to the Radnor electors. PONTEFRACT. Mr. Wood is to oppose Mr. Oliveira ; there will be no opposition to Ur. Monckton Milne.
PonTsmouni. Sir Francis Baring has given great offence by his China vote; but he has represented the borough some thirty years. No new candidate yet announced.
l'nvarozi. Mr. R. T. Parker retires. Mr. Charles Pascoe Grenfell, who Was a candidate at the last election, will again present himself to the constituency.
Ransion BOROUGHS. The Conservatives threaten an opposition to the Chancellor of the Exchequer ; but he is considered to be sale. REIGATE. There are two new Liberal candidates—Mr. W. Hackblock, a Director of the City Bank, and Colonel Perratt. ROCIOSTER. Mr. Sergeant Kingluke will be proposed, with good prospects of success, as k Liberal colleague for Mr. P. W. Martin.
SaLronn. There is a report that Mr. Langworthy retires ; and it is expected that Mr. Cobden will be returned.
SALISBURY. Mr. Chaplin retires. Mr. M. H. Marsh is a Liberal candidate.
SANDWICH. Mr. Knatchbull Ilugesson, a son of Sir Edward Knatchbull, and Mr. John Lang, of Broadstairs, are to be brought forward by the Liberals, in opposition to the sitting Members. finErriEux Mr. Overend, Q.C., offers himself as a candidate in the Conservative interest, but also as a supporter of Lord Palmerston on the China question.
SHREWSBURY. Mr. Baldock retires. A Liberal colleague for Mr. Tomline is to be offered in Mr. R. A. Blaney, who formerly represented the borough. Tory candidates are talked of. SOUTHAMPTON. Mr. Willcox and Mr. Weguelin will no doubt be returned ; no Liberal candidate attempting to divide the constituency and thereby give the Conservatives a chance, STAFFORDSHIRE, SOUTH. The Earl of Uxbridge retires i probably Mr. Littleton will also retire, on account of his health. Nothing decided yet as to new candidates.
STAMFORD. Sir Frederick Thesigor and Lord Robert Cecil are not expected to meet with opposition to their reElection,
SuEroLE, WEST. Mr. Harry Spencer Waddington has reviewed his former resolution to retire from Parliament, and he now intends to offer himself for reelection.
SUNDERLAND. Contrary to expectation, Mr. Hudson is again a candidate; Mr. Fenwick also offers himself again. Mr. Richard Hoare, a London merchant, appears as a Liberal candidate. SURREY, WEST. Mr. Evelyn will probably retire, and Mr. Henry Currie seeks to succeed him : a "Liberal Conservative," and a supporter of Lord Palmerston.
Svsssx, EAST, Mr. Dodson, just defeated by Viscount Pevensey, will stand again. SWANSEA. The present Member is to be opposed : Mr. C. H. Smith, a resident, offers himself as a Liberal.
TAUNTON. The Liberals will have to put forward a colleague for Mr. Labouchere, as Sir John Ratnsden will probably try Huddersfield. The Conservatives will support Mr. Arthur Mills, who was elected in 1852, but unseated on a petition alleging bribery. TAVISTOCK. There are four candidates—the sitting Members, and Sir
S. Trelawny and Mr. S. Carter.
TEWKESBURY. The Honourable F. Lygon is a candidate.
Transx. Sir Charles Douglas will oppose the reelection of Sir W. P. Gallwey.
TIVERTON. Lord Palmerston remains firm to his old friends, spite of theseductive oilers of larger constituencies. Mr. Ileatheoat is expected to retire, on account of advancing years and infirmity. Mr. J. H. Maxwell is a Conservative candidate.
TorErss. Mr. ItE'Kenzie and Mr. Gregory, both of London, will contest the Somerset influence.
TYNEMOUTH. Mr. Lindsay has offended his constituents in some measure by voting with the Derb3ites on the China question ; yet the Derbyites will attempt to unseat him by putting forward a candidate—Captain YonxsnrnE, NORTH }Irmo. The Honourable J. Dundas, a thorough supporter of Lord Palmerston, is a candidate. YORKSHLRE, WEST RIDING. Mr. E. Denison will most likely be reelected. A successor for Mr. Cobden is to be sought in the Liberal ranks. The United Reform Registration Association have invited Lord Goderieh to stand.
Waxxvirn.n. Mr. George Sanders, Conservative, retires. Two new candidates are in the field—Mr. Leathern, a Whig, and Mr. J.. C. D. Charlesworth, a Liberal, who is a local colliery-owner. WAREHAM. Mr. Drax, one of the present Members, and Colonel Bur-ton, his son-in-law, are the Derbyite candidates ; Mr. 7. H. Calcraft appears as a supporter of Lord Palmerston. WARWICK. Sir C. Douglas, formerly a Conservative, starts as a Liberal. WESTBURY. Sir M. Lopez seeks to succeed Mr. Wilson, who goes to. Devonport. WILTS, SOUTH. Mr. Sidney Herbert, Mr. Wyndham, and Lord Henry Thynne, a Conservative, are canvassing the electors. WINDSOR. Mr. W. Vansittart has appeared as a Conservative candidate.. WORCESTER. Mr. Laslett is in disgrace for his China vote ; and Alderman Sidney and Mr. Huddleston are announced as Derbyitc candidates.
ABERDEEN. Mr. Thompson retires. The new candidates are Mn I. F.. Leith, Sir Andrew Leith Hay, the Honourable Arthur Gordon, now Member for Beverley, Mr. Thomas Todd, and Colonel Sykes. AYR BURGHS. Mr. T. Boyle, Liberal Conservative, offers himself. AYRSHIRE. Lord James Stuart will oppose Sir James Ferg,usson. BERWICKSHIRE. Mr. H. Smith Evans offers himself in opposition to theHonourable Francis Scott.
CLICKMANNAN AND KINROSS. Lord Melgund is a Liberal candidate. DUNDEE. Mr. Duncan has determined to retire, notwithstanding the. strong desire that he should continue. Sir John Ogilvie and Mr. P. H.. Thome are spoken of as likely to stand. EDINBURGH. No opposition yet announced to the sitting Members ; but Mt. Cowan is not in high favour. FALKIRK. Mr. J. Baird retires : his brother, George, offers himself as a Liberal Conservative.
GLASGOW. Mr. Robert Dalglish is a Liberal candidate. GREENOCK. Mr. Murray Dunlop announces his retirement from public life. Sir Henry Rawlinson is a candidate. RADDINGTONSHIRE. Lord Elcho's health having improved, be will offer himself again. KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. Mr. Mackie retires, on account of his health. LANARKSHIRE. Sir E. Colebrooke, Liberal, is said to oppose Mr. Cochrane.
LEITH. Mr. William Millar opposes the Lord Advocate. Snimmo BURGHS. Sir James Anderson retires.
GALWAY. Mr. 31. J. Blake retires. Lord Dunkellin, now in Persia, is talked of as his successor.
GALWAY COUNTY. The sitting Members are threatened with three opponents—Lord Dunlo, Mr. W. H. Gregory, and Mr. Denis Kirwan. KILKENNY CITY. Mr. W. F. Finn, formerly Member for the county, and Mr. F. H. Devereux, are candidates. LIMERICK CITY. Major Gavin appears as a second Liberal candidate,, Mr. O'Brien again soliciting the votes of his present constituency. Lirnicnx. Mr. I. J. Richardson retires.
LONGFORD. Colonel Henry White, of the same polities as the sitting Members, offers himself.
NEw Ross. Sir T. Redington will contest the seat with Mr. Tottenham, the sitting Member.
QUEEN'S CoeisTy. The Right Honourable I. W. Fitzpatrick will contest Mr. Michael Dunne's seat.