In Committee on the Income-tax Bill, Sir Frrzaoy KELLY, "making a stand in favour of the act of 1853," moved that 6d. in the pound should be substituted for 7e1, After a speech from the CHANCELLOR of the ExCHEQUER in defence of the Government proposals, the amendment was negatived without a division. Mr. WILLIAMS then moved that the proviso imposing a tax of 6d. in the pound on all incomes above 1001, and below 1501. should be struck out. Mr. Peraarr seconded the amendment. But Mr. Williams, at a later stage, perceiving that the effect of his amendment, if carried, would be to subject all incomes above 100/. to a tax of 7d. in the pound, obtained leave to withdraw it, and so amend it as to relieve all incomes under 1501. from the tax. The House divided on this amendment, and negatived it by 53 to 7.
After the bill had been reported, it was recommitted, in order that an omission, said to render its construction doubtful, should be made good. The bill as thus amended was reported, and the House resumed.
On the consideration of the report, on Wednesday, the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER made a short explanation to show that there had been no want of care in the preparation of the bill. He said he had consulted the Chairman and Solicitor of the Inland Revenue Department, and in their opinion the bill as drawn was quite sufficient. The insertion of the word " property " was quite "innocuous," and does not alter the bill in any sense. He also explained, that before Mr. Gladstone complained steps had already been taken to strengthen the hands of the Inland Revenue Department by the addition of clerks to the branch intrusted with the collection of the Succession and Legacy duties.