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Arran her brief sojourn at Windsor Castle, the Queen returned to Buckingham Palace on Thursday afternoon. Prince Albert had already, on behalf of her Majesty, held a levee at St. James's Palace. It Was very fully attended both by military officers and eivilians.
Last night, her Majesty and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Princess Royal and the Princess Alice were present at the Princess's Theatre.
In the early part of the week, the Queen took her usual walks and drives in the grounds of Windsor Castle and the Home Park, and twice drove over to Frogmore to call on the Due.hess of Kent. The list of guests at Windsor Castle includes the Duchess of Kent, the Princess and Princess Feodore Hoherdohe-Langenbonr„e, Sir Henry and Lady Mary St. John Mlldmay, the Earl and Countess of Mountcharles, and the Princess Amelia of Hohenlohe-Schiltingftirst.