Lift and Correspondence of Richard Whately, D.D., late Archbishop of Dublin. By E. Jane Whately. New Edition, in 1 vol. (Longmans.)— Miss Whately tells us in this new, cheaper, and somewhat abbreviated edition of the interesting and able memoir of her father that she is alone responsible for the letters retained or omitted. We are sorry to find that she is responsible, far from sorry to find that she only is responsible, for republishing again (p. 194) the Archbishop's injurious and unworthy letter on "the Life of Blanco White," without any allusion to, or account of, the complete and convincing refutation of the false accusations made in that letter by the editor of Blanco White's memoir, the Rev. John H. Thom, of Liverpool. Archbishop Whately was a man whom prejudices and prepossessions sometimes blinded to the most conspicuous facts. This letter of the Archbishop's, we do not hesitate to say, after a careful and anxious study of the controversy connected with it, is a le!ter of unjust and injurious imputations, and one thoroughly discreditable to his health of judgment, though perhaps—considering the circumstances under which it was written—we ought not to use any stronger term. To republish it—without any allusion even to the case, published since her first edition, on the opposite side—is, it seems to us, a clear blot on fair dealing in the editor. In other respects, the edition is a good and convenient one.