" iirriatles," or Hints to Sportsmen and Travellers upon Dress,
Equip- ment, Armament, and Camp Life. By H. A. L., "The Old Shekarry." (Saunders and Otley.)—This book is written for those whose lines are cast in out-of-the-way places, and who will have constant cause to. be thankful for the advice given them by the "Old Shekarry." He tells them how to make the same thing serve as a cloak, tent, bed, and boat ; how to guard against inscts, and how to preserve health by liberal doses of medicine ; how to pack mules and to knock over wild animals ; and how to enjoy themselves generally, whether they are in a desert or a forest. He writes so cheerily that his example will probably be con- tagions, while his precepts are so sound that his followers will hardly need such a consolation in travel.