The Parsees in Bombay, who occupy much the position -of
the Jews in London, are very, much aggrieved, it appears that they have published Iiving's "Life of Mohammed" in `Guzerattee, and the Mahommedins are very much offended.. Con- sequently, the Parsees have been-preached at in the mosque, and have been attacked by a Mussulman rabble, chiefly foreign, who slaver read a word of any book in their lives, but who could and did -wreck Parsee houses. The Parsees say, they are inadequately protected, and no doubt they deserve protection, but we take it the truth is this :—The Government knewthe police were use- less when the cry of " Deen, deen l" was once raised, and were a little slack incalling out troops to quell a religious quarrel. They did call them out at last, and order has been restored. The Parseea are not the kind-, of people to be oppressed with .impunity. You might as .well oppress Scatchmen.