The Rev. J. Cottingham, B.A. of Clare Hall, has been presented by the Dean and Chapter of Chester to the perpetual Curacy of Shotwick, Cheshire. The Rev. '1'. Brayshaw, B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, has been presented to the Rectory of Addingharn, near Skipton, Yorkshire, vacant by the death of the Rev. J. Coates. The Lord Bishop of Peterborough has instituted the Rev. E. Griffen, B.A. to the Vicarage of Wilbarston, and to the Rectory of Stoke Albany, both in the county of Northampton, void by the cession of the Rev. It. Vevers. Patron, Right Hon. Lord Sondes. The Rev. J. Dullon, M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, and Head Master of the Classical and Commercial School, Whitby, has been appointed Domestic Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of Mulgrave.