14 MAY 1831, Page 16


eA indecorum of a very offensive kind appears to have been committed, or at least countenanced, by the son of the Earl of SHAFTESBURli, on the asion of the late election for the close

borou of Dorchester. he fact is stated by a correspondent of

the Th s; who descri mself as a Tory, and hostile to the

Refor ill, but who i , tandine. justly scandalized at so e3 gross a departure from prop

"On Monday titc" 2d, Lord A , his father's nominee, gave his ac-

customed dinner. I was not present, never dining at election dinners; but what I am going to state actually took Place: the truth of my rela- tion is irrefragable. Immediately on the removal of the cloth, his Lord- ship gave "Ile King and . the Monarchy ;' but no cheers ensued. 'The Queen' was next given, in silence ; but when the health of the Recorder was given, three cheers followed l!'

The writer, calls this Radicalism in higeplaces ; it might with

more justice be called sedition in high places. It is, at all events, conduct which merits notice, and we hope will meet with it. The Earl of SHAFTESBURY is Deputy. Speaker of the House of Lords, 'and Chairman of Committ s. -What may be the emoluments of

these offices, we do not pre 1 to ss ; but the salary of the latter is put down at 3,000/. a ajesty's Ministers, we have seen it asserted, mean to try th th by electing a new

Speaker of the House of Coinmons. ThisTyill be no great trial, for Mr. MANNERS SUTTON has served' his time, and has well earned permission to retire; which he will do with Universal appro- bation, and doubtless with all the honours which the Sovereign is wont to pay in Such cases. If, however, ginisters have really a fnind to try their strength in a quarter where it is more question- able, and at the same time to- vindicate their Master from the attacks of their political 'enemies, they will do well to take the sense of the Upper House, on the first day of the session, on the question whether it shall any longer continue to lavish emolument on one who can find no better employment for his influence, than the introduction into the People's. House of a member who sig- -nallzes his election by a personal insult to the king.