MR. T. PHILIPPS (whose late excellent Musical Lectures at the Royal Academy of Music, the overwhelming claims of public afthirs prevented its front recording) delivered a lecture on singing, to a nu- merous auditory at the Albion, on Tuesday evening. His illustra- tions were given by the Misses BRANDON, Mr. HORNCASTLE, and Mr. E. TAYLOR. In the early part of the lecture, Mr. PHILIPPS noticed, with deserved reprobation, the slovenly and vulgar way in which the musical part of our Church service is usually per- formed. He suggested some very judicious improvements ; and introduced, as specimens of church music comprising both sim- plicity and beauty, some of the Chorales of SEBASTIAN Baca and GRAUN, and a Duet by the Chevalier NEuitomm. The rest of the evening's entertainment was a succession of songs, glees, and other concerted pieces, altogether forming a most agreeable me- lange. This sort of entertainment, from its popular character and intrinsic excellence, seems likely to occupy a station in our musi- cal system.