May 12, 1831. His Royal Highness the Dvxv. of Sosszx, President, in the Chair. Captain George William Manhy, of Yarmouth, was elected, a Fellow of the Royal Society. John Edward Gray, Esq., of Eliot Vale, Blackheath, was proposed as a candidate for election.. The following presents were announced ; viz.—Memoir of the Life and Sci- entific Labours of the late Rev. William Gregor, M.A.; by J. A. Paris, M.D. F.R.S. A Description of the Skeleton of the Fossil Deer of Ireland ; by John Hart, Esq. The First Part of M. Leopold von Buch's Plates of Remarkable Petrifactions. A Key to Bonnycastle's Trigono- metry, Plane and Spherical, containing Solutions of all the Problems ; by Griffith Davies, Esq. The Eighth Number of the Edinburgh Jour- nal of Science ; edited by Dr. Brewster. Notices of the Proceedings of the Royal Astronomical Society, with a copy of the Charter and Sta- tutes., A paper was read on "A peculiar Class of Acoustical Figures, and on certain Forms assumed by Groups of Particles upon vibrating elastic Surfaces ;" by Michael Faraday, Esq. F.R.S.