THE majority for the Bill has now swelled to 121. Of the coun- ties whence this important accession of strength has been gained, Shropshire alone has returned two members who can be deemed adverse to Ministers ; and of these two, Mr. PELHAM is at most
doubtful. The sturdiest of the other Anti-Reform counties has been content to return one illiberal Member. Even of these there are but four • in every other instance, " the Bill, the whole Bill, and nothing but the Bill," has been the gatherine-- word. We have included in our list of returns Northampton, Worcester, Dorset, and Cornwall. The polls were indeed not yet closed when the latest notices left the hustings ; but we have little doubt that they are closed before our account of them reaches the public, and they could close in but one way. We have now the whole of the English returns before us, and it is a proud and gratifying list. We offer it as an answer, not in full (that we reserve for next week, when the whole of the returns in the empire will be completed), but as a full answer to all the gainsayers of the Great Measure. Shame burn his cheek to a cinder, who would dare to call that a revolutionary measure which has received the approbation of no less than 35 out of 40 counties —which is supported by every free town, by every populous city, and lastly, by lhe undivided voice of the great, wealthy, and intel- ligent metropolis of England.
The progress of the elections, though even more gratifying during this week than the last, has caused less excitement, because the result was more clearly foreseen. Perhaps, with the exception of
Colonel LYGON'S defeat in Worcester, there is not one of the strug- gles of the last eight days, the issue of which was not confidently
anticipated. In Wales, a thinly-scattered population has in some degree neutralized the efforts which its patriotism would have prompted. There bas, indeed, been throughout the country a great lack of that combination which can alone enable large masses to act beneficially. Nothing but the common spirit by which the people were actuated could have enabled them to " lay their top-stone with joy," as they have done. In more Ordinary times, a very different machinery will be required to produce, even under the Bill, so satisfactory a result as the exceeding zeal of the Reformers has produced under all the defects of the present system. From Scotland, the more sanguine now promise themselves not merely neutrality, but considerable
support. In the counties of Scotland, little can be effected : if even one from the dead were to preach to the parchment-voters, he would fail in gaining converts. In the smaller burghs, the good spirit of the people has in many instances infected their trustees, Edinburgh seems to have acted on its compeers by the rule of -contraries; the example which it set was so scandalous and so cried down, that the smallest and most obscure of the country councils has been ashamed to follow it. Even Anstruther, which is set down to be disfranchised, has determined to return a Reform member In Ireland, affairs go on as prosperously as the best friends of the cause could wish. Nowhere, indeed, in either island, has illiberality found a secure resting-place, save only in the dim-lighted and unswept cells of the Universities.
Antnapzia—The Globe says that Alderman Atkins, at his last election for Arundel, did not pay so highly as the electors expected, and that the expectation of the arrears, as well as of the renewed bribe, was firged at the present election as a stimulus to exertion. If the Alder- man owe these rascals one paltry penny, we hope he will follow our advice and refuse to pay it. . He can make no more of them, and if he be wise he will keep them from making any more of him. AyLesaurty.—Lord Kirkwall has given in. The Marquis of Chandos .seems to have been satisfied with his victory in the county, or his votes were exhausted, and he could no longer, in the person of his protegee, make any decent show of resistance to his patriotic uncle. That he was In reality the person who hacked Lord Kirkwall, may be judged of by one fact mentioned by Lord Nugent on Saturday.—" On the previous day," said Isis Lordship, " a gentleman took upon himself to say, on the authority of the Marquis of .Uhan■los, that Lord Kirkwall NVOS not the noble Marquis's nominee, and that Lord Chandos hail' pledged himself not to interfere with the vote of any man in this contest. Now he did not contradict this assertion, but he told the electors to look to a certain event as a proof of the matter one way or the other ; and what was the result ?—why, that within the two first hours of the contest forty pocket- votes of Lord Chandos were polled for Itord Kirkwall. lie made tto comment upon this, but left every man to draw his 01V/1 conclusion from the filet."
We quote the following from Lord Nugent's closing address on Wed- nesday, for the limnour and graphic fidelity of the sketches. The re- porter of the Maas says they are from nature—they are certainly very natural. " Lord Kirkwall had been,'' Lord Nugent said, " a little unfortunate in some of the persons witl whom he had connected him- self. What was to be said of one who among the foremost of his sup- porters could find no better person than a clergyman and a magistrate, whose temper and conduct were so lamentably violent as to cause him to be thought unfit to govern a day-school, and yet he undertook to govern the borough ? The noble Lord might also be considered unfortunate, if, among- the foremost of his supporters, was to found another per- Son ZIS eininelit a pluralist in pretensions as the other in livings,—one who being an attorney by profession, set up for half-attorney and half- gentleman, and did not succeed \veil in either charaeter,—whose want of discretion was always getting his client into scrapes, and whose want of capacity prevented Lim front ever getting well out of them. It was also unfortunate for Lord Kirkwall that he had been supported by another person, also a clergyman and magistrate, of whom it would be unfair to say more, than that he was a person who would be believed as soon on his word as on his oath.'
" It was also most unfortunate that Lord Kirkwall, when about to be proposed for the acceptance of the electors, could tind no one to nomi- nate him except his own paid solicitor. It would be au odd item in an agent's to proposing you to the people of Aylesbury, Os. 8d.; and to enlarging upon your Lordship's eminent qualities, Os. 8/1. more: Lord Kirkwall was seconded by a gentleman who certainly did not per- form the most discreet act of his life in coming forward as he had four days ago. Dr. Lee called the Ministerial measure of Reform 'a monster of a bill.' He would not contest with his learned friend the fact, the logic, or the taste of the assertion ; bat, in retiring from this unsuc- cessful contest, Lord Kirkwall would be fortunate if he did not find that Dr. Lee had put him in the predicament of seeing another monster of a bill' of a different kind:' BERKS.—The election for this county took place at Abingdon, on Monday. Mr. Throckmorton was proposed by Mr. 'Walter, seconded by Mr. Bowles. Mr. Dundas, the old, and Mr. Throckmorton, the new member, severally addressed the meeting ; after which the question of the election was put, and agreed to, it may be supposed unnine dissen- genie. The assemblage seem to have been in a very cheerful mood; they gave three cheers to the King, three cheers to the ladies who were present, three for Reform, three to the Ministers, three to Mr. Hallett for retiring, and three to Mr. Monck for " Auld lang male." Alto- gether, we may say, without meaning a pun, that a more cheering affair has not happened at Abingdon for one dozen of years at least.
BUCKINGIIIMUllts.—On Monday, Mr. Pascoe Grenfell formally re- signed. From the state of the poll it was inmessible he should stuccoed. At the close, the numbers were—Chandos, 1,594; Smith, 1,284 ; Gren- fell, 825. Mismanagement and want of organization shave been alleged as the causes of so unexpected a failure of the popular party,orhere its triumph was confidently expected. -"A division of committees on the part of the Reform candidates indicated, certainly, very gross mismanagement. But the truth, we rather believe, has been shown by the event. 'The people of Bucks are loud talkers and small doers. When it was required to speechify about Reform, none spoke so bravely; when it was required to act, none in all England came so tardily off. They have.made them- selves a laughingstock and a byword of contempt to the Liberal party, and have now no gratitude from the Illiberal. Henceforth, when men talk big and do nothing, we shall call them " Bucks Reform-ers."
CARNARVON.—The agents of Lord Newborough, says a letter of Monday, are using the most unfair means to compel his tenants to vote for Mr. Gore, and prevent their voting for Sir Charles Paget. Voters who are tenants of Lord Newborough are locked up, and in many in- stances forced to the hustings. Mr. Gore would not have stood a day's poll had not the most unfair influence been used.
CORNWALL.—The nomination of the members took place at Bodmin on Thursday week. Mr. Pendarves and Sir Charles Lemon entered the town about twelve o'clock, accompanied by one thousand freeholders on horseback, seven hundred of whom had partaken of a substantial break- fast in their advance, at Pencarrow, the seat of Sir William Molesworth. The day was excessively wet; nevertheless, about five thousand persons assembled to witness the ceremony, almost all of them electors, with the exception of a small knot of claqueurs who had been hired at lialf-a-rt-,-.„ crown a-day to shout for Sir Richard and Lord Valletort. Sir Rtataik:---.., Vyvyan was proposed by Mr. J. T. Coryton, Mr. Pendarvess 1.0ta1ic, Rashleigh Mr. F. G. Rodd nominated Lord Valletort, and thelteVAI.4.:1-
rend Mr. 'Walker proposed Sir Charles Lemon. The membert.terIC: wards addressed the meeting. Sir Richard Vyvyan's address coit440.0 but one novelty—he told the Cornishmen, that Ministers had riflud:04
Reform Bill ample in the hope that it would be rejected, and tle4bt-
did not wish it to pass Sir Richard declared himself ready to
any reform which should spare the rotten boroughs. Lord Valletort also expressed himself favourable to a limited reform—the more limited the better, no doubt. Some conversation afterwards took place, between Sir Richard and Mr. Pendarves, about the Boroughmonger Fund. The former said—" It \vas supposed that he and Lord Valletort had received from a committee in London ; now he wished to know if Mr. Pendarves lad not received, Or was promised, a sum of money from another com- mittee ? " Mr. Pendarves said, he had been told by his noble relative, Lord Eliot, that his opponents had clubbed purses, and raised twenty thousand pounds, for the contest ; and that if they could not turn him out for the county, they would make him spend money. He had not received any money ; but if he was to be borne down by a stock- purse of the aristocracy, he had no doubt he might receive some from the quarter alluded to. (" Hear, hear ! " from Sir Richard Vyvyan.) DEVONSIIIIM —The election for this county took place on the 6th, at 'Exeter. Lord Ebrington was proposed by the Honourable Newton Fellowes, and Lord John Russell by Sir George Bamfylde. Lord Ebrington shortly stated his intention to vote for " the Bill, the whole Bill, and nothing but the Bill." Lord John Russell said, " If the Bill lad been rejected by a House of Commons chosen by the people, Minis. ters must have resigned. On the second reading, however, the majority was so trifling that it could hardly lie said to express the sense of the House either way ; and when Ministers asked to go into Committee, the House decided that they should not, unless fettered by a resolution which was cinerary to all their previous declarations. It was therefore apparent, that the House would not admit the Bill fitirly ; and no good could have been expected from further debates upon it. The Ministers, under such circumstances, thought it best at once to advise his Majesty to refer to the sense of his people whether their opinions were in accord- ance with the opinion given by their representatives." Sir Thomas Ac. lurid was on the hustings, :uul spoke ; and as he came to explain, not to oppose, he was well received.
Donseesnren.---The election commenced on Tuesday. When the three gentlemen bad been nominated by their friends,—Mr. Bankes by 31r. Frampton of Cork. Castle, and the Rev. Mr. Hannan), rector of Corfe,—Mr. Portman, as senior member, stood forward. " Ile came belbre them," he said, " the enemy of tyranny—the enemy of monopoly —a sincere and limiest Reformer, determined to vote for the Bill which
had recently been before Parliament, and not merely for a measure which, though it might be in letters a Reform, in substance was no such thing. (A voice in the crowd—" Take your change out of that, old Bankes.") He was aware that, during this election, influence had been exercised over several of the voters ; but he was determined to be no party to the exercise of any such influence. Anxious as he was to see the Reform Bill carried, he had still determined not to exercise any un- due influence to obtain that object ; and as a proof of it, he would men- tion that, when in a neighbouring county, where he had estates, a nuns- her of his tenants, wishing- to phase him, had asked him for his senti- ments, regarding the rival candidates, his answer to them had been, " Please yourselves." As soon as he had learned that a poll would be taken, he bad communicated to both candidates his readiness to contri- bute a sum which would enable all the poorer electors to give their ho- nest votes. His object was, that every man, whether he could afford to attend the poll or not, should be able to come forward upon this occa- sion, and to do his duty by himself and by his country.
Mr. Bankes's address was less remarkable in itself than the acuteness with which its sophistries were caught up and answered by the crowd- " With regard to the whole Bill," Mr. Bankes said, "he would candidly declare to them, that if that whole Bill were to be passed in Parliament, and the success of his election were to depend upon his giving his assent to that whole Bill, to that whole Bill he would not, and he could not, agree. (Cheers and hisses.) Ile asked with what justice to the county a Dorset in particular had Ministers proceeded in their concoction of it ? Tiny began their career of injustice by robbing the inhabitants of Dor- setshire of one half of their representatives. (Loud cries—" They are not ours ;" " We disown them ;" " They are the Boroughmongers' nomi- nees ;" "They give its one more for the county.") Gentlemen might contradict him. (" We all do.") Then those who contradicted him did not—(The confusion of voices prevented the termination of the sentence from being heard.) The number of members for this county are twenty in all. Did the gentlemen who contradicted him suppose that those members were not connected with the landed interest of the county? (A voice, "Yes, in ;slundering the people.") Mr. Calcraft replied to the lament over Dorset, %visit great force and humour—" Mr. Bankes seemed to think that Dorsetshire was hardly treated under this bill. He had told the freeholders that the county would lose nine of its present representatives. And why would it do so ? It would lose them on the grand principle of this Parliamentary Re- form, which was getting rid of nomination, and introducing represen- tation in its stead. If that proposition were offensive to the people of Dorsetshire, and were on that account to meet with resistance front them, what must be done with the whole of schedule A ? It was the very essence of the Bill to substitute representation for nomination ; and if certain depopulated boroughs lay in that county, they must abide the common lot of all the boroughs enumerated in the same schedule. Re understood, however, that one additionalmember for the county was to be given to the freeholders of Dorsetshire. Now he thought that sme member of Parliament, elected by a body of real electors according to the new principles, was mach more valuableihan a great many members 'appointed according to the old principles. Mr. Bankes had alluded to a declaration which Mr. Cakraft had made in Parliament, that he would struggle as stoutly as he could for the preservation of the borough of Wareham from disfranchisement. Undoubtedly, he had said that he would do his best to preserve the borough of Wareham ; not because it was a nomination-borough, but on the ground, that if the population re- turns for that place were not made correctly when the census of 1821 was taken, it ought to he taken from schedule A, in which it was placed, and transferred to schedule B, of which the boroughs were still to re- turn one member. This was not preserving the borough of Wareham as a nomination-borough; it was making Wareham the centre of an election disarict, and taking it out of the domination of any individual whatever. Mr. Bankes, it appeared, wished to know whether there was ny, and what difference between Wareham and Code Castle. He was not going to please any man's palate by speaking ill of Corte Castle ; and for this reason—he was himself an admitted and duly qualified elector' of it. But he was not travelling out of the record in speaking of Corfe Castle, for he himself lived in the parish of Cork Castle. Indeed, he never resided a single day in the county without being at some period of it within the borough of Cork ; and yet he declared that he did not know how many electors there were for Corfe Castle, or whether any of them resided in the borough itself. 'The difference between Code Castle and ‘Varehzun was this—that in Wareham there were 221 scot and lot electors, who might exercise their franchise if they pleased, and that in Corfe Castle there was no such thing."
At the close of the poll on the first day, the numbers were—Portman 270, Werth 242, Bankes 147.
ESSEX.—On Wednesday, Colonel Tyrell came forward, and, after playing with the impatience of the electors for half an hour, announced that he did not intend to proceed any farther in a hopeless con M test. r.
Western and .'Ir. Wellesley were accordingly declared duly elected. An express was immediately despatched to inform Mr. Wellesley of his success. The numbers at the close of the poll were—Western 2,367, Wellesley 2,250, Tyrell 1,707.
IIUNTINGDONSHME.—Notwithstanding the combined powers of the house of Kimbolton and Hinchinbroke, Mr. Rooper has not only taken but kept his place at the head of the poll. The only misfortune here, as elsewhere, has been the want of foresight in the electors, in not pro- viding a second Reform candidate ; for there is not the slightest rea- son' for doulaine that if there had been a second, both of the Anti-Re- formers might have been turned out with as much ease and certainty as one was.. Lord Straohaven gave in on Saturday.
KENT.—The election for this county took place on Wednesday. As there was no opposition to the Reform candidates, but a small assemblage of people was expected ; the Reformers, however, were determined that
the work which had prospered so well in their hands should not lack their part hog dicer. From every quarter of the country, bands of free- holders collie trooping in, with flags and banners and bands of nmsic, as to some high and joyous festival ; and indeed, considering the victory achieved by the men of Kent over the enemies of the King and the People, it was both high and joyous. The day, fortunately, was as fine as could be wished, and the immense array of the friends of liberty thus lacked nothing that could contribute to their satisfaction. The election
took place at Penenden Heath ; and the immense multitudes were dis- posed in front of the old thatched cot which hears the name of the Shire-
house, in pretty much the same order ,LS at the famous Penenden meet- ing which took place in September 1828, the semicircle being formed by a range of waggons inscribed with the names of the different divisions of the county. The Sheriff reached the groundat eleven o'clock ; and
in a few minutes the shouts of the outskirts of the crowd told the ap- proach of the popular candidates, Mr. Hodges and Mr. Rider. Mr. Hodges was proposed by Mr. Watson, the member for Canterbury, se- conded by Mr. Collingwood of ilolkInkst ; and Mr. Rider by Mr. John Ward of Squerries, seconded by Sir John Tylden. On these gentlemen being thus nominated, they severally addressed the freeholders and spe- tators—who, by this time, did not, it is supposed, fall much short of forty thousand individuals. Mr. Hodges said, that "time next Parliament would, in all probability, be a very short one, as it would do little more than pass the Bill, and some necessary measures to carry on the government of the country, the great remedial measures intended being reserved for the Reformed Parliament ; he therefore would advise the f reeholders, and those who might hereafter have votes, to be cautious to whom they promised them. He feared he had been misunderstood as to his opinion with respect to the Bill. He did not say that it was all perfect, for the bright luminary which shone above them had its dark spots; but he did hope that if any part of it could be improved, Ministers would employ the time before the meeting of Parliament in considering how such improvements might be made in
it. At the same time, I must say, I consider my duty prescribed as to the Bill, and that I have no discretion with respect to it. I look upon it that you delegate me to carry time intentions of his Majesty's Minis. ters as to the Bill into effect ; and I 'will do so,—so help me God."
Mr. Rider said, he was ready to admit—" that the Bill was not perfect —what human measure ever was P—but he gladly took it as the first answer the people had ever received to their numerous and almost fore gotten prayers for redress of grievances. With all its faults,—and they were by no means such as had been described by its opponents,—he took it as a definitemeasure, in preference to the vague and undefined Reform which they had heard of only in words, but had never seen in practice. He took it as emanating from men of talent, of tried consistency, and as sanctioned by a patriot King, who on this, as on every other occasion, had shown himself what a King of England ought to be—the father of his people."
Mr. Larkins, and Mr. Knight (brother-in-law to the late member), afterwards shortly addressed the meeting. When they had finished, the Sheriff put the question to the freeholders ; which being responded by one universal shout, the honourable gentlemen were declared duly elected. Several of the bands on the green then sat down to refresh,
after which the procession was formed. The Maidstone band, with blue
flags and banners, led the way; then came the two members on horse- back with blue favours ; they were followed by a long cavalcade of free.
holders, on horseback, three and three, and a number in harouches from the surrounding towns; then followed the various detachments on foot, from .Canterbury and Thanet—from Rochester, Gravesend, Dartford, and Greenwich—from Ashford, Charing, Lenham, and Harrietsham- from the Weald—from Tonbridge, Seven Oaks, and Bromley—and
lastly, a large body from around Tenterden, Jlythe, Margate, and even Dover. Each of these parties had a band of flags ; and such was the length of the procession, that the head of the column had reached Maid. stone before the last division had left the Heath, which is more than a mile distant. The procession moved slowly through Wick Street, down High Street, through Mill Lane, and thence up again to Gabriel's Hill ; where the two members drew up, and the whole procession passed them, cheering, and the various bands playing" God save the King." When this splendid ceremony was over, the different parties separated for their respective homes,. some of which were not less than forty. miles distant. LEICESTERSIIIRE.--The election has passed witheut t pposition ; and two Reformers, Mr. C. March Phillips, of Garendon, and Mr. Tho- mas Paget, of Ilumberstone, are returned, who will both support the Bill to its full extent. Sir F. Burdett stated upon the hustines, that he came expressly to put Mr. t tray Cave in nomination ; but finding that two Reformers presented thcinselves to the electors, and ene'ons to pre- eerve IL:Lemony at the present crisis, he had no hesitatioa i I sacrificing his personal prepossession to the public (:::11se: Ile should therefore de- cline putting his friend, Otway Cave, in nominee:cm. - Livienems.—Mr. Dtmisen, the member for Liverpool, enjeys, partly by accident, the higlesst himour, perhaps, ever conl'erred on a member of Parliament, ou being at oue and the seme Hine chosea 01 a large city and a county. Ile prefers the emnty ; and Liverpted m ill, in eon-.
sequeuce, be ate: e for another honourable display of its indepead- core, es se •se meets. Viscmtnt Palmmetee nil!, it is said, stand for L'oesisH. s itu old and valued friend of Mr. Iluskisson, and one to: th • tied most active msmbers of the Cabieet, he is the very man.
MIDDressEx.—The elettioa for the metropelitan eminty tock place on Tuesday. Mr. Luella and Mr. Byng left St. James's Square about nine o'clock, in a hanatche and four, followed by an ilameese array of freeholth•rs, i 1 carrioges and on horseback. They were joined at Ken- sin,gton i. y aeothze- ;quid of equestrians, and at Turnham Creen by a third. The procession arrived at Brentford Butts precisely at ten o'clock. Mr. Sergeaet Pell proposed Mr. Byng, and Sir John Scott Lelley proposed Mr. Hume. .A freeholder, Mr. Porter, prosions to Mr. Byng's addressing the meetings said — Some rumours had reached his ears, that it was not the intent:0e of Ministers to introduee the Reform Bill immediately upon the assembling of Parliament. He wished to ask the candidates, whether, if on the meeting of Parliament, an attempt should be made to deloy the introduction of" the Bill, the wItole Bill, and nothing but the Bill," they would do everything in their power to urge Ministers to
brine it forwerd ? •
Mr. Ilymgi said lie -;,!-as always willing to illISAVVr any question which a freeholder might think prent•r to put to him. Be could not imagine that Ministers would les stupid enough to delay the introdeetion ef the Re- form Bill. Life wes untetrtain ; the King 'might be stettched from the country in a moment ; and, therefore, Ministers would be worse than mad to postpone the introduction of the measure for a day longer than was absolutely necessary. Mr. Hume said, if there should be any delay, he would himself bring the question before tile House, and he bad not the least doubt of being supported. (Apphiw.:7) Ile bad, however, something more satisfactory to tell them. Ile W:7S euthorized by a Cabinet Minister to declare that no such intention tie llott imputed to them ever existed on their parts, and that the first l'e,,i11,ss after the assembling of Parliament would be the introduction of the Bill, and the completion of the great work which had been commenced. (Continued Cheers.) Mr. Wakley said he felt dissatisfied with the Answer given by Mr. Byng ; he would therefore ask him—lst, Would he endeavour to make Ministers introdue the Bill, if there should he any deley ? 2nd, Would he vote for the disfranchisement of the rotten boroughs ? 3rd, Would he vote for schedule D.? 4th, Would he offer any opposition to any proposed alteration of the clause which gave to I0/, householders the right of voting ? Mr. Bytes; expressed his surprise that sac gentlernan should not have understood his former auswer. He could assure that gentleman that Reform was a favourite measure with him before be (Mr. Wakle.y) was born. He would certainly urge Ministers to introduce the Bill, if there should be any delay ; which, however, it was impossible, to anticipate. He would also vote for schedules A and B, and for giving the fran- chise to every man who rented a house of 10/. a year. lie might give his sanction to verbal alterations of the measure, but to no change- of its spirit. Reconsidered himself elected to support "the Bill, the whole
Bill, and nothing bet the Bill." •
Colonel Jones afterwards asked, whether, in the event of the members acting contrary to the wishes of their constituents, they would resign ? This question excited some disapprobation.
Mr. Hume said, he was willing that representatives should come an- nually, if necessary, before their constituents, to give an account of their conduct ; but be would not give a pledge which was to bind his conduct on all questions. How could he ascertain the opinions of the county at large ? If a county meeting should be called, to consider his conduct in the House, he Niwuld attend to explain what he had done; and then, if the electors disapproved of him, they might hurl him from his seat —(Applause).—More he could not say. If he pledged himself to act in conformity with what A, B, or C might please to call the opinion of the county, he should be a mere puppet in the hands of individuals. How could the electors be satisfied if they would not take the pledge which he and his colleague gave to support the great measure of Reform?
The question was then put, and carried by loudest acclamations. Mr. Byng and Mr. Hume afterwards addressed their constituents, to thank them for their re-election. Thanks were voted to the High Sheriff ; and the whole meeting having trolled forth " God save the King," a gentle- man on the hustings giving the solo part, the members were chaired, and the meeting quietly dispersed. WanwicKsntax.—At tile elcetioe of the members for Warwick, on Wednesday last Iveek, tier out friemI Mr. Jeseph leirkes lVaS again at his post, to exact from the nets' member, :LS Ile had doee a short time before from the 11a, a distinct pledge of the cooduct which he meant to pursue respecting the Bill. " First," said .Mr. Parkes, addi teein - Sir Grey Skip with, " will you give your entire support to itch/gin:us which disfranchise the corrupt and nomination horoty,lis in ..he liands of the hereditary and
monied arist:ieravy " piviiiln,!,;;;!;:wei-perrolle(1 the i.",,nri.)
Sir GITV Sliuuuiii. Iii;11 great earnesLness—" Most cer,:; .11y," (Veii
henten t che() ) will you support the transfer of the fran- chise, as :a u I till, aiming the commercial towns and agri- cultural ,
Sir (ii;,-; undoulitedly„" (Load caul re;e1c,::1 cheer- .
MI% Pari which extends the and in towns to inhale:me ileesehehlts. Sir Grey Skipwith—" Most entirely." ( Mr. Parkes—" The honourable Baronet win allow int• t other interrogation arising out of the lest. Will the hone::: net oppese any attempt tt, raise that 4puilitivation above I0/. : • Sir Grey Ski1iwit1,—" I ton not aware that any such alterittiett templated. I shall certainly vote for the Bill as it stends in this respect." (Cheers.) !Ir. R. M. A tty—" Shaine ! that is not a fair question." Mr. Parkes—e. I beg pardon of Mr. s'stty ; the question is fair and of great importance. Such a standard of English franrhise is foreien to the constitution. It is not altogether apprexed by thee numerous class of Reformers to whom I am proud to Leliing. itecount of Cie. limit whieh it sets to die ancient franchise of set anil lot, (Ci,crii.,.) Vet the Reformers of the kingdom have warmly spurted the Bill frcill the approval of the moderate standard of l;l(. r;:ami by it. I !mew that the enemies of the measure ihlltees:let io seise the tptalitlimiees to 20/. ; whieh would a:init.:late the constimency of m e king:hem I theta explain the importance of the euestion to Sir s fray Skipwitil:' Sir Grey Skipwith—I- I shall support the la franchise, .31r. l'arkes." (Great cheering.) To the more genera', interrogatory, whether he woidd support economy and retreechment, Sir Grey replica with equal sincerity_ end reediness. We consider Mr. Parkes entitled to very great credit for introducing a practice Whidl, we foresee, will bueonie universal, of ascertaining clearly what are the sentiments of the tat iii Whiich a town or county may choose to represent its wishes in the .•;reat council of the bilistoberi, iii order that there may Ile no mistake. The mode of interrogatosy is not the most courteous, it may be ; and it requires teettel discretion in the catechiser as well as the catecieLIIIIM: but the time and, the occasion ad- mitted of no other. In the (seer of Middlesex, we think it was pushed too far. Mr. Parkes asked all that was neeessary, and nothing more. When candidates know that to this it must come at last, they will in. their respective addresses eschew senseless generalities, and tell plainly how they feel and what they mean to do. WILTSDIRE.—The election for this counts* took place on the 10th. Mr. Grove proposed Mr. Bullets, aml it1 r. J. Andley pro-pcsed Sir J. Dug-dale Astley. .31r. Beuett ttaid that he had aircady siipported the measure of Reform ; end. sleedd they return him aeain to Parliament, tiles- might rely on his still doing the some. Sir J. Astley also pledged himself to simpoi t the Reform Bill, which lie considered would restore barmeny anti prosperity to the country. Mr. .T. T. Mayne cmiclutied ams address on the allvantegs s of the Reform Bill, by iequiring id the call- didates whether they would 511111 it tile emaneipation a the slaves, and the opening of the East India monopoly: to which both of them an- swered they would. The High Sheriff' then declared Mr. Beetett and Sir Jacob duly elected. corcourse of people that assembled in the Castle- yard out Friday last, for the purpose of wienessing the electiou of the fitur members, did not fidl short of feurteen thousand. It would pro- bably have been munch greater had it not been for the extreme incle- mency of the weather. Mr. Dtincomile, it may be recollected, ridiculed the fewness of the freeholders who met in the same placa on the occa- sion of the late county meeting in favour of Reform. and spoke with great decidedness on the feelings of Anti-Reform prevalent among the most respectable people,—a class of men which, like the prudent dog we have somewhere heard of, are always eut of the way when they are to be hanged. He did not venture to show his nose on Friday, nor twaddle over in the presence what he had NO confidently esserted iii time absence of his fellow-electors. Of course there was not the sliehtest opposition. Lord Morpeth was proposed by Sir Edward Vavasour, Sir Jolla John- stone by Mr. Fawkes, Mr. Ramsded by Mr. Marne:duke Wyvill, and Mr. Strickland by Mr. F. Chohneley. The seconders were Mr. Marshall, Sir George Cayley, the. Honourable and Reverend W. Herbert, and Mr. Rawson. When the election was over, Mr. Fawkes gave out " thxl save the King ;" and the song was peeks' by the hearts and voices ..of the whole fourteen thousand. This is an excellent custom, and ought to be observed in all popular political meetings. We shall give a version suitable to the changed times some of these days. IRELAND. The arrangements respecting the malty elections can hardly be said to be completed, but they are in a describable state. The following no- blemen and gentlemen ,.re given by the Irish journals as candidates for the several counties. ANTram—Lord Belfast ; Generil O'Neill. ARIVIAGII—Lord Acheson ; 31r. 11rowidow. CARLOW—Colonel Bruen ; ir John M. Doyle*; Mr. Illackney. CAVAN—Mr. Maxwell ; J. Yining ; Mr. Southwelim. CLARE-31. O'Connell; (5Gor..hal Mahon* ; Major Macmunara. Coax—Lord Boyle ; Hon. II Klee., returned. Dotiaont—Lord Mountcharle. : General Hart; Mr. Thorton Macklin* ; Ser Elinnad Hayes ; Lord Arthur Chichester*. Dowasnmr—Lord A. Hill ; Lord Castlereagh; Sharman Craw- ford*. Dowsrarstrea—Lord Dunglass* ; E. S. Ruthven. The latter returned. DUBLIN—Lord Brabazon ; Mr. White. Fanantsason—Lord Cote* ; lion. Mr. Corry ; General Arc/zeta/i. GALWAY—Sir John Burke ; Mr. Lambert ; James Daly*. KeanY—O'Connell ; Maurice Fitzyerald ; lUr. Bernardo; Hon. Dlr. Mullins*. KILDARE—M. O'Ferrall ; Sir W. Hort*. Returned. Knareasav—Lord Dammam' ; Lord Ossory. Returned. Kixo's Courerv--Lord Oxmantown ; Colonel Bernard ; C. Westenra*. Leirinist—J. IV. Clemints ; Mr. AVIlite ; Mr. Peyton*. LIND:RICK—Colonel Fitzgibbon ; Colonel O'Grady. Los; nos; DHRP-Y—Sir Robert Bateson ; Captain Jones ; Sir John Byna* ; Hon. 0. Ponsonliv. Is >NO FORB—Lord Forbev; Jr. Lefroy ; Luke White*. Lot:Tit—A. Dawson ; Mr. Shed ; Sir ?at. Bellew*. MAYO —J01111 Browne* ; Dom i n ick Browne ; Joseph Di'Donnell*. Maim—Lord Killeen ; Sir Dlarcus Somerville ; II. Grattan ; 3I1. Napper* ; F. O'Connor* ; Mr. Rowley*. 111oNAfinAN—S. Shirley ; C. Blayne,n ; lluii. — Westenra*; — Blaney*. Quams'in Cam NT s —Sir II. Parnell ; Sir C. Coote; Mr. Kelly*. 11g aicommoN---A. French ; O'Connor Don. Santio—.1.1e. Cooper ; General Ring ; Mr. Pereeral*. Tremmany—Colonel Prittie ; T. IlTyse; Captain lintchinson*; lion. — O'Callaghan* ; Sir It. Keane* ; Otway Cave* ; Massey Dawson*. TvuoNE—Sir Hugh Smart; Hon. 11. Corry. Wsarrataonu—Sir R. Musgrave* ; — Power*. ESTBRATI Colonel Rochford ; Mr. Chapman. Returned. Waxounto—Me. Chichester; Lord Valcatia ; Sir T. Esmonde* ; Mr. Lambert* ; Mr. Rowe*, WICKLOW—J. Grattan ; Colonel Howard. Li very many of these cases, a gentleman of "sound Protestant and Constitutional principles "is described as "expected" Any/ice. We rather think that the sound Protestant and Constitutional principle men, as they call themselves, may be safely described in both town and coun- try as " expected " Hi/sernice. Two or three of the Irish counties are close ; and until the Bill have, in some degree, emancipated them,—or rather, until the general diffusion of indpendent voting render any attempt, even where the power remains, to sway an election by other than fair and rational means, as hated and contemned as it is hateful and contemptible,—they will remain so. From these, as they have no- thing to give, nothing will be received by the cause. In some few others, the feeling of Protestantism—which, among our neighbours, is a negative rather than a positive faith, and may be better described as a dislike of the Old Church and its professors, than as an attachment to the New—still bears up against the progress of liberal sentiments. To what extent it may prove influential in the pending struggle, is not easy, with our present information, to determine. A correspondent of the Courier describes both parties as sadly in want of money, and says that 50,0001. would, at the present moment, return Reformers for nearly all Ireland. It is a common saying among our neighbours, that if you spit one Irishman, you will never fail of another to baste him. We, who are not of the sweet country, have a better opinion of its electors than to believe that they will be kept from giving an honest vote because of the want of 500/. a member. The election of a member for DUBLIN UNIVERSITY took place on the Gth, in the Examination Hall. The students appear to have conducted themselves more like a parcel of drunken hodmen, than any assembly, learned or ignorant, that has met since the famous exhibition of the Marquis of Londonderry and Co. on the day of the dissolution. Mr. Lefroy was proposed by Dr. Ilodgkinson, and seconded by a Mr. Cull- inane, a Catholic ! Dr. Sadler proposed Mr. Crampton, who was seconded by Mr. Byrne, the senior scholar. Mr. Lefroy and Mr. Crampton each attempted to address the electors. In the. midst of the business, or rather of the show of business, a ring was formed in the centre of the ball, and a regular boxing-match took place between two of the students. liThen this was finished—not suppressed, for there was no attempt to suppress the disorder—a third representative of the rising decency of Protestant Ireland volunteered a speech to his companions ; but was dragged down, beaten round the hall, and his coat literally torn off his back, before he had commenced the second sentence. The Reverend Charles Boyton, of Anti-Catholic notoriety, interposed, but in vain, to still the riot among the youthful aspirants of the Church. At length the speechifying ceased, and the electors began to offer their votes. When the total was summed up, there appeared for Mr. Lefroy, 44— for Mr. Crampton, 36; the former was in consequence declared duly elected. After the election the students drew Mr. Lefroy home! If the heads of Trinity election, do not inflict instant and summary punishment, by the expulsion of thirty or forty of the ringleaders in this ruffianing, it will be a serious question, when the Irish Reform Bill comes to be discussed, whether the University, which has proved itself incapable of decently exercising its rights, instead of having two members in future, shall not be wholly disfranchised. We pass by the consideration of the political sentiments of the Trinitarians—that is for them to settle. The Reform Bill is, we think, happily relieved of the contamination it must have received from such supporters. But whether they be Pro or .Anti—whether they be Liberal or Illiberal—it is essential that they go about the exercise of an important right like beings who have some glimmerings of reason, and some, regard to common decency, or the right which they would disgrace by abusing it must be transferred to soms more respectable constituency. The meanest mob in England would not have acted in so blackguard a fashion as these clergymen in embryo are said to have done. At the same time that the election was commencing in the College, that of the CITY of DUBLIN also began. Sir Thomas Wheelan proposed Mr. Moore, and Mr. Sneyd proposed Mr. Recorder Shaw. As the electors whom they addressed did not happen to be college-bred, these gentlemen were heard with considerable patience. Mr. Robert Henry then proposed the Lord Mayor; and Mr. J. D. Latouche proposed Mr. Perrin. The candidates afterwards severally addressed the electors. Mr. Moore repeated his determination to oppose Reform as revolutionary and destructive. The Recorder, after an episodical lament over the evils of revolution, as exemplified in France and Belgium, went on to say, that he Stood forth as the champion of the Protestant corporation ; and as he had derived his political existence from them, so was he willing, if they were defeated, that his political life should find its grave in their defeat. The meaning of which bit of magnificence we take to be, that if Mr. Recorder Shaw do not get into Parliament by the votes of the Corporations of Dublin, he wiil not get in by any other means. The Lord Mayor made a spirited appeal to his townsmen—" I beg to assure you, my fellow-countrymen," said Ins Lordship, " that no other feelings influence me to stand forward this day than a sincere regard for your interests. I owe no enmity to any man, not even my political enemies ; quite the reverse; for I would endeavour to heap upon my opponents those benefits which they attempt to throw from themselves. Against whom are we fighting ? Not against the King, not against the Constitution, but against the base and corropt Boroughmongers, who Would trample on the Crown, destroy the Constitution, and annihilate the privileges of their fellow-citizens." Dlr. Perrin also spoke with great devision—":1 have," said he, " always been an anxious Reformer. Though I have not taken any part in the political strife that lots so long agitated this country, yet I have never concealed my opinioos. I airs satisfied that Reform is absolutely necessary for the safety and prosperity of the empire. It is a measure no less essential to the security of the Throne than to the happiness of the people. It is impossible for any man who has looked into the signs of the times, not to feel convinced that the reasonable demands of the people must be satisfied. The grievances of the nasiple must be con- sidered and must be redressed. There is a spirit of intelligence per ending the country, which cannot be controlled by any power, whose just demands artist be heard, and int not be compiied with!' The polling on the first day was decidedly in favour of the Liberal side; so decided, indeed, that from the first tharesult was not doubtful. The numbers at six orelerk. when the books vere closed, were—Perrin 355, Lord Mayor 354, Moore :217, Shaw 212. The two lawyers have interrupted and delayed the piling as notch as possible, with frivolous and wordy objections to the votes ; a practics which the consummation of that RefOrm whose potent breath lass driven them from their proud station, will for ever remove. The numbers on Wednesday were— Perrin 841, Lord Mayor 845, Moore 700, Shaw Iii Coma the Reform members were returned on tire Gth without op- position, notwithstanding the threat of it. III IAMEIZICE., a similar re- sult has happened. Dosamsma, after being very closely contested, will re- turn Dir. Wallace, instead of the Anti-Reform spouter of froth Dlr. North. Mr. Fitzgerald, after declining to stand for Kerry, has been again brought forward as the pis alter of his party to oppose O'Connell.. The great 0, as Cobbett used to call him, formerly beat down Cr Fitzgerald whose poli- tical integrity gave him a much Itiginer claim to the support of his coun- trymen than Mr. Maurice, whom the abolition of the Vice-Treasurership of Ireland has suddenly converted into so sturdy a Church and Consti- tution man. The contest for Dublin, according to the arrivals of yesterday, was looked on as completely up. It was conceded on the side of the Anti- Reformers, that the success of the poll on Wednesday might be taken as decisive ; and by the poll of Wednesday, Messrs. Moore and Shaw, instead of advancing, were gradually falling behind their more fortunate rivals. This falling off was the more remarkable, that the freeholders' booths had been extremely slack during tie'• daf; and it was in the free- men's booths, where lay theil' chief strength, that their weakness was painfully apparent. • In QUEEN'S COUNTY, Sir Charles Conte has pledged himself to sup- port the Bill in the fullest manner ; but his late repentance will not save him from a poll, which the Reform candidate Dlr. Kelly, is determined to have. It was to commence at Maryborougl on Wednesday. Iii CARLOW, it appears, Colonel Bruen has resigned ; and Mr.Roch- fort, whom it was meant to start, has followed his example. In Lor Tit, Mr. Side], and in Londonderry, Sir John Eying and Mr • Ponsonby, are considered as good as returned. Lord Castlereagh, it is added, will be certainly ejected from Dowx. What will the Marquis say to that ? The Irish elections would not have proceeded scion les reyles had there not been a duel or twa. In Clare, a quarrel has taken place between Mr. Steele and Mr. O'Gorman Mahon, which we - have noticed else- where. The history of the affair, as given by the friends of the latter, is quite magnificent. On Mr. Steele's refusal to fight Mr. Mahon, that gentleman " cut the matter short, by. at once branding Mr. Steele as a pusillanimous calumniator ; a mean.low, backbiter4a.commonswineller ; a liar; aforyerer ; adespicable bully, and a rank coward ; at the same time inflicting (in the usual manner pursued by gentlemen) the chastisement of public hoisewhipping. This done, 0' Gorman Mahon declared that neither his brother nor any other gentleman could ever condescend to meet Mr. Steele unless he instantly gave him (O'Gorman: Mahon) satisfaction for his insulting language. O'Gorman Mahon then leaped from the road into the field, calling on Mr. Steele, if he had a particle of the courage he pretended to possess, to follow him and take his ground." This is "Endes vein" with a vengeance ! Tons Steele's account we have not yet seen ; but the Courier, which published the above yesterday, promises his version also. • In Longford, a duel is also in preparation, if the precautionary publi- cations of the parties do not prevent it. A coalition has taken place in that county between Lord Forbes and Mr. Lefroy-L-an unprincipled coalition of a false Whig and a High Church Tory, the Irish accounts call it. It seems that this coalition had been noticed in rather sharp terms by Mr. Luke White the Reform candidate, in his address to the electors. He says—" A coalition of the most extraordinary character has been formed. I call on you to mark your opinion of it by redoubled exertions ; as for me, I will not desert you. Language does not offerme terms strong enough to express my contempt for the individual who, thus betraying you, seeks to prolong his Parliamentary life." Lord Forbes has taken this charge to himself, and 'has sent a friend to Mr. White to call for instant reparation. Mr. White, however, refuses to be shot until be has the privilege of franking the account of the ren- contre ; and here the affair rests. If .Lord Forbes intend to continue his opposition* tO'th'e Bill,' we see nothing wrong and every thing right in his coalescing with Mr. Lefroy : if he pretend to be a' friend to it, his junction with one of its most bigoted enemies entitles him to the ill-word of Mr. Luke White, and every Reformer in the empire. , It is flow asserted that Mr. Maurice Fitzgerald will come in again for Kerry ; and that not he, but .iIr. Browee, gives way to O'Cuimell. Dan has the offer of Tipperary also, and possibly of a dozen more. SCOTMI ELEcTioNs. The impression now is, that even in Scot:livid, that hotbed of the close system, the cause will gain. Ten or twelve members, in addition to the fifteen who formerly voted for the Bill, are confidently calculated on by the best informed.* One election of lelleelis has already Leen sectu:ed in a way not uncommonly practised in contested elections in the North. General Dalrymple, a tiominee of the Earl of Lamierdale, had gained Dunbar and North Berwick, and Mr. Stewart of Alderstone had been equally successful with Iladdiegton and dream-felt ; and the tpiestion „ „s, which. party should gain over the fifth, and in this case dominare -• ••e of Lau. der. Lauder and North Berwick_ are villages of from Le. - : 1,200 in- habitants each ; the other three are towns of rather more e o:sequence and population. The burghs have been long in a sort of vaeeelage to the Landerdide family, particularly Lauder mid Dunbar : the Earl has estates of some extent in the neighbourhood of the former, and a baronial residence belonging to him opens on the priticipal street of the latter. In the morning of the day appointed for the election of a delegate to represent Lender, a num:gnus band of Reformers had trudged over Lammer Law from Haddington ; and one equally numerous' and we suspect of more decided politics, had travelled north from Galashiele- a weaving village within a mile of Abbotsford—" to see fair play just." The ire of the strangers seems to have betas chiefly provoked by Lord Maitland, who went strutting up and down among them with even more hauteur than a Scotch Lord is in the ordinary habit of exhibiting. He was advised to abstain from the display of his dignity ; but he turned a deaf ear to the colitis • . : .. _. ..eiiiiers of the Town-Council were under- stood to be (eel:Lily divide:I ; and it was also understood that the casting- vote of the Preshfent would be given in favour of the Anti-Reformer. Among the supporters, however, of the latter, there was one who wa- vered, or was held to waver in his allegiance ; and him both parties were most solicitous to secure. Lord Maitland, who thought that once safe Within the sanctum of his fellow-electors, there was no danger of him, hooked die aria of the vacillating Councillar in his own, and en- deavoured, piloted by his opponent, Mr. Stewart, to make Ids way through the crowd. They gave way to his Lordship and his guide, until he was fairly in the midst of them : a: :I then closing at once on all three, an Ettriek lad tripped up tl e 31{-:'k of the Tory re.'neierat ; another pinned Mr. Stewart il.,. :-•.'' I ;1:.! 1,111 of the Town-hea ,. ■ 0 secure Ids neutrality ; while the roe, ,,- , .. oaud, catching up the doubting elector, whipt him into a chaise that stood ready in the little inn-yard ; and be- fore Dual Maitland had recevered his feet, the mat on whom all his hopes of political preferment depended, was hireling towards the Tweed at the rate of twelve miles an hour. Some horsemen if the Anti-Reform party followed to the rescue, and came up with the flying elector, about four miles south of the spot whence he had been carried off. He had by that time alighted, without harm, and leisurely told the cavaliers, " that he would walk back in the evoeing." The violence of the people was severely reprehended by Mr. :- eewart, whom they seem to have squeezed with an earnestness of frieig.ship which did not much consider the dif- ference between a delicate young gentleman mid a ploughman with bones of steel amuscles of horn,—and they were earnestly called on .0 a to disperse. eat s, however, they refused to do, until the issue of their interventiMrigus known. They waited accordingly with great patience .until the election of the delegate in Mr. Stewart's favour was announced; aistthenl, giving three cheers to the cause, departed to their respective homes, and in ten minutes the little town was as silent and solitary as usual. This act of honest interposition—for we cannot look on the people as less justified in lending their arm to a voter who hangs in doubt benteen Reform and Anti-Reform, with a view to confirm him in the right *ay, titan a lord in lending his arm with a view to lead him into the wrong one—gives one vote to the Bill and takes one from its op- ponents. The last member for these burghs voted against the second reading, and also (which we consider a much graver offence in a Scotch member) for the motion of the late member for Liverpool. which went to take from Scotland the five additional members which Ministers had set apart for it. In another and distant qua, i er, Reform has been equally indebted to the potency of the public voice. Sir James Carnegie, who succeeded 'A correspondent In Edinburgh, to whom we return our best thanks, calculates on twelve or thirteen. His list of the candidates who will be chosen is as follows— part of ithas been confirmed by the actual returns. CoutivrEs. Aberdeenshire .. . . Gordon, 117. Argyleshire...... .Campbell, W. F. Ayrshire Oswald, It. A.* . Uncertain;candidates, Banffshire...... ; Morrison, J. Fergu- son, —both doubtful Berwickshire .... . Maitland, A. Buteshire Sinclair, —* Clackmannanshire Adam, Admiral* Dumbartonshire I Graham. • Lord 31: — t Somewhat doubtful Dumfries-shire Johnstone, J. J. H. Edinburghshire Clerk, S;r G. Elgin and Moray Grant, F. TV. Fifeshire Wein yss, J. Forfarshire Mule, W. IL Haddi ngtonshire Balfiter, .1. Inverness-shire Grant. C. Kincardineshire ...4rbutlenott, G. Kirkcudbrightsh—Fergusson, It. C. Douglas Hon C. — Lanarksh—ire ...! 1 Somewhat doubtful Linlithgowshire Hope, Hon. A. {Doubtful; candidates, Nairnshire Davidson, —* ; 111`Leod, —* This list gives in the Counties.... Orkneyshire Traill, G. Peebles-shire Montgomery, Sir G. Perthsit :re Murray, Sir G. Renfrewshire Stewart, Sir M. S. Ross-shire ...... .. Doubtful Roxburghshire Scott, II. F. Selkirkshire Doubtful Stirlingshire.... { IT:snag; Admiraldu f*u 1; Sutherlandshire —Doubtful Wigtonshire Agnew, Sir A. ROYAL 13 unntts. Aberdeen Ross —* Anstruther Johnstone, — • Ayr Kennedy, T. F. Dumfries Sharp, General* Dysart Ferguson, R.* Edinburgh Dundas, It. A. Elgin . ... Cumming, Sir IP.* Glasgow A Reformer Inverness Bruce, Major C. Jedburgh Steward, R.* Kirkwall Loch, James Perth Lord Advocate Selkirk Gillon*— Stirling Johnston, J. Wigton .. A Reformer Far. Against. Dolth(fai. 13 .... 9 8 in the Burghs 12 .... 3 .... — — — — 25 12 8 Of the doubtful, our correspondent thinks two or three may turn up heads ;—we hope so. In several of the above cases, returns have been already made. Mr. Ilium in the Aberdeen I,: leo le .a rejected ; and a member noire deserving ue. a set of ceog le: had the vod sense for so tnany yeers to igtern to Fai:;,,ieent the le g est and indefatigable mem- ber for Middlesex, has been cleisen. In the Forfar burghs, also, the tide Of Reform flours strong. Colonel Ogilvy retires, and the Lord Advocate will be elected without opposition. The conduct of the Dysart burghs has been in fine contrast with the conduct of the Edinburgh Council. They were wheedled, at last elec- tion, into giving their countenance to the Earl Of Rosslyn's son, con- trary to oar advice ; I mutt they are :hey happily undeceived. Lord Loughborough is a prime specimen a dint party which, would any sure word of pielphigy confirm them in another lease of place and power, as long-, or eveii hell as long as the last, would give their sweet voice,: to-morrow fir universal slifilrage, :led turn every chnrch in the kingdom in tir a mase-hoitse. He voted against the sum eel reading of tile Bill ; he Voted for Gascoyne's motion; he even. trusting., no doubt, to the subser- viency of his constituents, reftistol to take charge of a petition for the Bill, which the burgh of Kinghorn nemiimously agreed to. All of a sudden, however, he seems to have et m new ligl m t ; and nOW las only objection to the 'Ministerial measure is, not that it goes too far, but that it does not go far enough. This conversion of an undecided young: gen- tleman of five-and-thirty, from an Ultra-Tory to a Huntite, is well an- swered in a very sensible letter from time Provost of Kinghorn, to whom the miracle had been cennnunirated. Lord Loughlegteigh had said, that although he WaS at one time of opinion " that No Reform was re- quired, or ought to be admitted," he was now convinced of its necessity; but " he was opposed to time Bill of the Government, for the Reform of the English representation, bemused it offered a diminished representa- tive body to an increased number of constituents ; and because he ob- jected to any bill, which should, in its effeet, disfranchise men merely because they were not rich enough to fir-' in a 101. house; that he was friendly to a bill, which, while it mein:an:ed. the existing constitution. and institutions of our country, should preserve to the poor and honest man an equal right of voting for, and expressing- his opinions tltrough his representative in Parliament." Mr. Barclay, after noticing this sudden and extraordinary change in his Lordship's sentiments, goes on to observe of Radieal Ref rruters like Lord Loughborough—" I have always looked upon the promoters of such visionary plans of Reform as kindred characters with the Borough- mongers—as belonging to a see of mountebanks and (putties, who dole ont their nostrums for the sold and the legly, and for tire government of menkind, for no other purpose than reising connuotinn, and fir acquir- ing to themselves wealth, or consideration and irnpor ram ice, without the aid of the leaitiznate claims arising from patient and laborious services to the piddic. Their followers and admirers in general iLIT people of the loweet order of society, who, in ignorance of the nature and object of the schemes of such characters, follow siadi masters, not to think, lint to applaud. I have no sympathy, my Lord. with such Reformers ; their ob- ject, as well as that of the Boroughmongers, is personal aggraielizement, at the expense of more deserving neighbours ; and they have no sin- cerity itt pretending that they are friendly to institutions which shall preserve to every post and &nest man a rote for a member of Nrliament." This is pretty well, but the closing sentence is a finisher—" I am dis- posed to hold a higher opinion of your Lordship's judgment and discre- tion, than to suppose you capable of becoming an Ultra-Radical Reformer. I hope your Lordship will rather revise your opinions, adopt the advice given your Lordship by the member for Nottingham at the opening of the Kinghorn Schools, to pursue a more liberal course, and follow the footsteps of the former political friends of your family. In such a hope, my Lord, I trust you will, as much as we do, approve of the choice which is intended to be made of your friend Mr. Ferguson of Heidi to repre- sent us in Parliament, being well convinced we could not find a gentle- man of distinction better acquainted with the affairs of the district, or more capable, from his age and experience, his tektite anti general infor- mation, of aiding his Majesty's Government in establishing a coustitu. tion for the empire upon sound and rational principles." So much for the sinecure Lord 1 Had the Council of King-horn and those of the conjoined burghs searched the empire, they could not, among all the country gentlemen that it boasts, have found one more worthy of their votes than the excellent person on whom, by the time these remarks see the light, they have been already conferred. Mr. Ferguson will vote, we need not say, for the Bill, and the whole Bill, and for every measure which may give it efficiency, as his admirable brother has done and will do.