TnE Fourth Number of Captain BATTY'S Views of the Cities of Europe, containing Edinburgh, presents us with glimpses of this singu- larly grand and picturesque city from the ratio is commanding points whence it is seen to best advantage. They are equally well executed with the former portions of the work, and have the advantage over other views of Edinburgh of having an outline plate of reference to each view. The principal defects of Captain BATTY'S drawings are their flatness, monotony, and want of relia; and for these he in some measure atones by the minute accuracy of his delineations. Mr. DANIELL has engraved in aquatint, and coloured in his usual ad- mirable manner, some striking Views in the Burman Empire, from draw- ings made on the spot by Captain KERSHAW. They are principally taken from" Rangoon and its neighbourhood; and comprise the scenery and buildings, particularly the grotesque and splendid pagodas, with their bell-shaped domes and minarets, and form a series of picturesque and in- teresting views. • Part III. of Mr. LINTON'S Sketches of Italy contains some strikingly beautiful views of the lovely scenes of that country, which seems an in- exhaustible source of the pictureique, the grand, and the beautiful in landscape. Mr. LINTON sets before us in a new point of view the re- mantic spots with whose names we are familiar ; so that, in looking over his work, we do not merely travel the same ground, hut get glimpses of new beauties. There is a visible improvement also in the execution of the drawings—a consequence of the artist's better acquaintance with the lithographic materials.
No. XIII. of The Landscape Illustrations of the Mtverley Novels con- tains two pretty little views of Warwick Castle, &c. illustrative of Kenilworth, which make a pleasing variety with the Northern scenes. The Illustration of the Pirate, Vol. XXIV. of the Waverley Novels, which is from a clever design by Mr. INSKIPP, is one of the best plates of the series. The original picture may be seen in the Suffolk Street Gallery. Parts IV. and V. of Illuminated Ornaments preSent some splendid examples of the quaint and curious devires which adorned the missals 'and manuscripts of the middle ages. For ingenuity in the design, as well as richness in tlwir combinations of brilliant colours, they are worthy of preservation in a separate form. Plate V. of The Filmy Ball Dress, is a Polish female costume, which is succinct, picturesque, and becoming : it ought to be popular with those fashiouables (if there are any) who sympathize with the brave Poles.