SIERRA Izeoxrf.—In December last, his Majesty's brig Plumper sent her
boats up the river Pongas, in senrc7, of sir wit iii infest that river. They returned with a schooner and thirty.five slaves; but dearly did the brave fellows slifror for thcir humanity. Soon after the return of the Plumper to Sierra Leone, sickness broke out among her crew. At fist it was confined to those who had lit . en up the river ; but, ulti- mately, it spread among the whole ship's crew ; and, in little more than three weeks, twenty-eight individuals (including two °dicers) out of thirty-five porished. The remainder continue vooy ill ; Ina it is hoped they will survive. The barrack-master, Mr. Lynch, died in three months after his arrival, leaving a wife and six children, whom he had taken out with him. A tine young man, named Fttiti., died in less than a month after his arrival. The letters go on to mention others; and then add, that the master, mate, and every man forming the crew of the Shakspeare, a myrrh:111i vessel, died in two months after their arrival, the second mate being the only survivor out of twenty persons who left England ! 'khe Shakspeare left this Gilgotha miii tlie 3rd of January last, with an entirely new crew. In the Mallacourie river, close to the colony, there was another vessel lying, with every man on board dead or dying.—Brighlon Gazette.