At a late hour on Sunday night, a fire was
discovered on the premises belonging to Messrs. Maudslay and Field, the engineers, in the Westminster Road, nearly opposite the Orphan Asylum. The flames were not extinguished before the roof of the factory was en- tirely consumed. The fire originated by the overheating of the flues.
On Thursday morning, Maria Jackson, a young woman, in the ser- vice of Mrs. Burglois, in York Street, Bryanstone Square, was em- ployed in cleaning the outside of the back drawing-room windows, laughing and talking to her fellow servant, who was engaged in cleaning the inside; when suddenly the latter pulled the window down, which caught the fingers of Maria Jackson ; and from the agony she endured she let go her hold, and fell into the back area, a height upwards of twenty-five feet. Both her legs were fractured in a shocking manner.