14 MAY 1836, Page 11

Sir John Jeffcott has been appointed Judge of the New

Colony of South Australia.

Lord Palmerston has informed Messrs. Bell and Co. of Fenehurch Street, by a letter which has been published, that, in the opinion of his Majesty's Government, no toll is Justly demandable by the Russian authorities at the mouth of the Danube ; and that Messrs. Bell andCo. have done right in directing their agents to refuse payment of it.

The Times mentions a curious circumstance in connexion with this correspondence. On the day of the publication of the letter of Lord Palmerston, says the Times, " A great Russian functionary called on the party more immediately con- cerned in the present discussion of the question, and introduced the subject by professing his ignorance of any toll having been exacted, or of the ukase about the quarantine having been issued. He then proceeded to disenas these sub- jects; and, arguing problematically in justification of his Imperial master, yet in the most conciliatory manner, he proceeded to request that his ignorance of what had actually occurred might be enlightened by his being shown the cor- respondence that had passed between the Foreign Office and the party alluded to The answer was a refusal though a courteous one, and at least as diploma- tic in manner as the communication which had led to it."

The ColonialOffice and the Admiralty, with the approbation of the other branches ofGovernment, have agreed to appoint Captain Back to undertake a new expedition for discovering the North- West Passage. The King takes a warm interest in the expedition.