The Times this morning supplies the following statements of the
stocks of cotton, coffee, sugar, tallow, and ruin, on band at the close of the year 1825, and at the present time, in order to prove that the recent rise in prices arid the existing commercial activity are justified by the relative proportions of supply and demand, and are not the result of speculation. If the figures arc correct, the case seems to be made out, as far at least as relates to the articles mentioned.
" At the end of 1095. the stock of cotton on bawl was 3C0.000 bales, on a consump- tion normally of 460.000; and the price of New Orleans cotton w.“ from 171d. to 29d. At present. the cotton on hand is only IO.ta.10 hales, out an animal consumption of nearly 1,000.000; and the price of New Orleans is lid. to 12;d. " in I595, the stock of coffee was :0000.0041h. : the 1,6... of ;osed middling planta- tion. 95s. to 988. At present. the stock is only 13.000 ; the peke 100s. to 105s. " In 1025, the stock of plantation sugar was 43.000. hogshead, ; and the price ;57's. to GIs. At present, the stock is 10.01 O bou,ttpn.i, ; (Ii.• n is. to Pls. " In 1025, the stock of tallow was 49.041a risks; the price alas. Cd. per cat. At pre- sent. the stork is 11,000 casks; th • pee.. 41s. " In 1595. the stock of ruin curs g5 tam poneheons ; the price Is. led. to 9s. 6d. per gallon. At present, the stock is 9,510 ;uncheo ,s th pica 3s. to 3s. Wf. per gallon."