14 MAY 1836, Page 3

The Deputies of France have been occupied in discussing the

question of renewing the lease of the Paris gambling-houses now held by a M. RENAZET, but which will expire in October next. The rent paid by this person is 280,000/. annually ; and TRIERS calls upon the Chamber to make good the deficiency in the re- venue which will accrue from the refusal to continue the sanc- tion of Government to the gambling establishments. The feeling of the Chamber is evidently against the renewal of the lease ; and when 1 he question is brought forward as a part of the budget, it is probable that it will be decided against Ministers.

It is said that ten ships of the line are,to proceed from Brest to the Mediterranean, to form a permanent fleet of observation, and, if necessary, to cooperate with the English squadron in the same sea. Of course these preparations have reference to affairs in the East, and are intended to keep Russia in check.