Tuesday, May 10. PARTNE HSU ips DISSOLvED.
English and Butler, Seething Lane, surgeons-Tiffin and Brown, Blackfrinrs Road. tobacconists - Watson and Macdonald, Liverpool-Egan and Co. Essex Street, Strand. attornies -Thomson and Co. wine-merchants; as far as regards Williams-Smith and Dewsuap. Sheffield, cabiuetcaae-manutacturers -Heap and Co. Liverpool, wholesale grocers; as far as regards Davies-J. and J. Harrisuu, lamer. drapers-E. and D. Piukess. Liverpool, colour manufacturers-Smith and Parker. Hammersmith. grocers - Gervis and Hale. Ashburton, surgeons-Gilbert and Hamden, Hythe, watchmakers - Shur-laud and Evans. Bristol, grocers-J. and A. Kirby, Banbury, Oxfordshire, grocers-Wilson and Raper. Huddersfield, joiners-Thompson and Fuller. Chiswick, brewers-Smith and Williams. Birmingham. haberdashers -Harvey and Healy. Grant- ham, mercers-T. and W. Chown, West Wycombe, farmers-Johnson and Seddon, Manchester, tin-plate-workers- Howells and Herne, Cardiff, linendrapers-Lyndhall and Hall, Leadeuhull Street. ship-brokers-W. and T. Cobham, Ware, barge owners - J. and J. Tateson, Market Rasen, brewers-Downe and White, Denham/1 St. Mary, Wiltshire, shopkeepers-Sutcliffe and Co. Wakefield, dyers-Petrie and Co. Bach' due. cotton-spinners ; as focus regards Petrie-E. and G. Hurry, Upper Thames Street, bottle.merchants-Hodgkinson and Johnson, Dow-gate Hill. tea.dealers-Seddon and Weddell. Chorlton-upou-Medlock. coach-makers-Bullock and Ekin. Cambridge, brewers-W. D.and W. D. Whitmarsh, New Sarum, ant:rides-J. and F. Wedgwood, Etruria, Staffordshire, earthenware.manufacturers-Bullmure and Johnson, Clerkeu- well Close, gold and silver wire-drawers.
Farm% MATTHEW, Crosby Hall Chambers. merchant, May 10.
ALEXANDER, JAMES, Leadeultall Street, wind instrument-maker, to surrender May 18, June 21: solicitor, Mr. Theubald, Staple Ion ; olhtci,ih assignee, Mr. Lackingtou, Coleman Street Buildings. BATHTUB. FRANCIS. Bath, dentist, May 23, June 21: solicitors, Messrs. Richards and Walker. Liecoin's Ion Fields; and Mr. Drake. Bath. Fooara GEMME, Brighton, coal-merchant, May 21. June 21: solicitors, Messrs. Palmer and Co. Bedford Row; and Mr. Read, Worthing,. Hascocx, CHARLES, Earl Street, Biwa:friars, coal-merchant, May 20, June 21: soli- citors, Messrs. Newbon and Evans, Doctors' Commons; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basiughall Sheet.
KEYs, EDWARD, Hanley, Staffordshire, china-manufacturers, May 18, June 21: soli- citors. Mr. Written. Furnivars Inn; arid Mr. Stevenson, Stoke upon Trent. Lturn. DATrD. Llanliechniaru, Moutgomeryabile, timber-dealer, May 23, June 21 : solicitors. Mr. Dean. Essex Street. Strand; and Mr. Clumsy Newtown.
Msasesit, CHARLES, Old Castle Street. Whitechapel, tweeer. May 17, June 21: so- &dor, Mr. Henderson, Mansell Street; official assignee. Turquaud. Cepthall Buildings. REES, EVAN. Dudley, hatter. May 21. June 21 : solicitors, Mr. Chaplin, Gray's Inn square; and Mr. Stargeter, StOUrbridge. SMALLEY, WILLIAM, Sheepshead. Leicestershire, corn-dealer. May 24, June 2 l : soli- citors. Memo,. Emmett and Allen. Bloomsbury Square; and Mr. Parker, Loughborough. TIMT0N. Joszea. Macetesfield, silk- mauuracturer, May 20, June 21 s Seders, Maims. Bell and Co. Bow Churclivatd; and Mr. Holbrook. Macclesfield. Wmaaa, EDMUND HENRY, and 'WALTERS, WILLIAM. Chepstow-, timber-merchants : Moy 16. June Ii: solieitors. Messrs. Blower aud Vizard, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Hall and Jenkins. Newport. WARD, WILLIAM, Blackfriars Road, draper, May 28, June 21: solicitors. Messrs. Reed and Co. Friday Street; official assignee Mr. Turquaud, Copthall Buildings.
May 31, Fcott and Coker, Wood Street. woollen-warehousemen - May 31, Smith, Hatton Garden, cabinet-maker- May 31..f. and J. Shury, Charterhouse Street, printers -May 31, Kymer, Bucklersbury, salt-manuracturer -May 31, Cannon. Darkhouse lane, fish factor-May 26, Green, Chelteuhara, draper-May 31, Treherue, Oxford Street, uphulsteler-May hi, Gullaud, Cambridge. linendiaper - May 30, Adams, George Street, Sphalfields. feather-merchant-May 30, Hutchins, Whitechapel Road, littendrsper-May 20. Thwaites, Neucastle.upou-Tyne, porter-merchant -June 2, Rowe. Leicester, draper-June 3. Williams, St. Woullos, Monmouthshire, coal-mer- chant-Jeer 3, Lewis, Llandovery, draper-June 2, Richards. Northampton, pawn. broker-June 7, Wilson and Crightun. Manchester. calico printers-June 7, Wilson, Ty Wesley Banks, Lancashire. cotton-spinner-June V, Crightun senior, Manchester, machine-maker-June 3, Puvey, Ashtou-under-Lyne, grocer -Juue 3, Bass, Brecon. draper-June 7. Hursfull, Addingliam. Yorkshire, cutton-spinner-Juue 1, Bevan, Swansea, iroumouger-June 1, Hardcastle, Birmingham, grocer-June 3, J. and J. W. Lindsay, North Shields, grocers-June 6, Riley. Wellesbuurue Hastings, corn-dealer- June a. Mills arai Seed. Manchester, cotion-manuracturers-Juue 4. Roscoe and Co. Liverp ol, bankers - June 4, Langmead, Teigomuuth. banker-Julie 1, Wilkins, New- port, Monmouthshire, corn factor -Jour 4, Hide, Broadwater, Sussex, builder-June 3, M•Lachlan, Liverpool, victualler.
Ti' be granted, unless cause he shown to the contrary, on or bofire May 31. Smith, Old Broad Street, merchaut - Rogers. Liverpool, ironfounder - Howell, Oxford Street, linendraper-Thom pearl. Sunderland, auchur manufacturer-Lazarus, Jermyn Street, coach-proprietor-Scott and Fairlie. [Torun Court. City, merchants-Jopp, Corns I. junior, Preston, innkeeper.
COMMIES, CHARLES and DAVID, Pitiochry, merchatti. May 16, June 7. FATRLIE. Gem's.. Glasgow. builder. May 16. June 6. GREENSHIELDS, ARCHIBALD, Glasgow, meichant. May 13, June 3. SINCLAIR, Jone,groeer, Patrick, May 13. June 3.
Friday, May 13.
R. and W. N. Alger, Kensington. chernists-Maddocks and Wardle, Priestfields, Staffordshire. halliers-J. and W. E. Siddall, Manchester. fustiau-manufacturers- Holmes and Richardson. Manchester, wine-merchants - Vandergucht said Turtill. Liverpool, tailors-Pratt and Pearce, Exeter, soda-water-makers-j. and W. Gardner. Cot entry, rilvand.manufacturers -T. suit T. Smith, Coventry, grocers-Thomson and Turner. Liverpool. railway-contrartors -Frankcom and Mower. Bath, clockmakers- Woodhead and Holland, Sheffield, brewers-Knapp and Pearce. Coventry. printers- White and Co. Whitwell Colliery, Durham ; as tar as regards Kirk-Tarn and Law, Addle S.reet, carpet-warrhousemen -Newton and Chambers. Birmiugham,
manufacturers-S. and G. Mitchell, Ilford. farmers-Dean aud Weston, Dover, size-
malieraettirets. BANKRUPTCY sUPERSEDED.
Sroos. Amoa and AIME, Newcastle-upon-Tyue. builders.
ALLEN, JAMES Samara, Perth Cowl, Glamorgaushire, timber-merchant, to mix' render June 1,24: solicitors, Holmes & Co. New Inn; and Mr. Cuthbertson, Neath, BRIDGER, CHARLEs, Hampton, mealman, May 20, June 24: solicitor, Mr. Heath, Charlotte Row. Mansicnhouse ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell. Basinghall Street. BUcHANAN, WILLIAM Cott. Duisley. Gloucestershire. mouey-scrivener, May 24. June 24: solicitors, Mr. Pope, Gray's Inn; and Messrs. Bishop and Wells. Dursley. HEADLAND, WILLIAM, Louth. tailor. May 27, June 24: solicitors. Messrs. Lightfoot and Earnshaw. Hull; and Messrs. Walmsley and Co. Chancery Lane. JOHNSON, WIttama, Shrewsbury, leather-dealer, May27. June '24: solicitors, Messrs. Litchlield aud Owen, Chancery Lane; and Mr Bloxam, Shrewsbury. Les, RICHARD LOAN. Craven Buildings, Drury Lane. printer. May 24, June 24: so- licitt.r. Mr. Cross, Surrey Street, Strand; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore, Basing. lush Street.
Oucurzatorre, Thome, Threadneedle Street. merchant. May 20, June 24: solicitors, Turner and Hensmau, Basing Lane; official assignee, Sir. Gibson, Basinghall Street.
RUSSELL, Roamer. Kine,stou-upon.Thames. upholsterer. May 26, June 2.4 : solicitor, Mr. Pile, Hatton Garden ; official assignee, Mr. Groom. Birehin Lane. SMTH, Joire Rosser'. Monkwearmouth Shore, shipowner, May 25. June 24: solici- tors, Mr. Nicholls, Cook's Court, Lincoln's Inn; and Mr. Thomson. Durham. STANSBURY, JONEMI, Hacktiey Road, May 24. June 24: solicitor, Mr. Ashley, Shore- ditch ; official assignee. Mr. Graham, Basiughall Street. TAYLOR, EDWARD CHARLES. Albany Street. fishmonger, May 20. June 24; solicitor. Mr. Dimes, Bread Street; official assignee. Mr. Lackiugtou, Coleman Street Buildings. WinTER. Teouss JoHN, Tottenham Court Road. bill-broker. May 26, June 24 soli- citor, Mr. Ilodgkiuson. Burton Crescent ; official assignee. Mr. Green, Aldermanbary.
Yousa, Joan, New Cut, victualler, May 20. June 24: solicitors, Messrs. Druce and Suns, &Linter Square; official assignee. Mr. Belcher, King's Arm, Yard,
June 6. Miller, Watling Street, tallow chandler-June 6, Speare, Fleet Street, lacri- mal] -June 3, Schenck, Addle Street, merchant-June 1, Wiglamau, Pateruoster Row, bookseller-June 4, Morris junior. Wandsworth, grocer - June 4, Sharman, Barge Yard, Bucklersbury, shoe.factor-June 4, Osborrow, Brighton Place, Hackney
linendraper-June 4, Craddock, Stockton-on-Tees, rope-manufacturer-June 3. Crow- ther and Butterworth. Leeds, beer-brewers-June 6. Wood, Burslem. Staffordshire, banker-June 4, Paine, Liverpool, drysalter-June 7. Porter, Houiton, Devonshire, victualler-Jude 3, Stainthorpe, Hexham, Northumberland. brewer- May 27, Hill, Wort...ell, Norfolk. miller-June 4, Hepper, Liverpool, hotel-keeper-June 4, Lang- mead, Teigumouth. tailor. CERTIFICATES.
Ti be granted, sinless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Jane 3. Ware, Tiverton, tanner-Partridge, Birmingham, victualler - Walker and Gray. Leeds, wool staplers-Canning. Wood Street, Scotch warehouseman-Jenuings. Glou-
cester, banker. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. FRASER, WILLIAM, and MACRAE, Hum, Fortrose, merchants, May 20, Jane 11. KAY, Lutes, Ochiltree, Ayrshire, Wright, May 16, June 8. HER. JAMES and Co. Leith, bankers, May 17, June 7. WEBSTER, JAMES, Dundee, merchant, May 20, June 10.