In the Court of Exchequer, yesterday, Mr. Baron Parke and
a Special Jury decided that the Potteries Free Press is a newspaper, and that Mr. Collet is liable for the penalties. Mr. Phinn, on the part of the Crown, stated that the penalties would not be enforced so long as Mr. Collet should abstain front a new breach of the law.
At a further examination of witnesses In the case of Miss Mardon, at Lam- beth Police Court, yesterday, it was stated by counsel that the reverend cul- prit, Mr. Gordon, had not yet been arrested, but that the Police have dis- covered the place of his retreat.
The arbitrators appointed respectively by the Government and Dr. Reid, in the matter of the New Houses of Parliament, have given in their award, after a long and protracted inquiry into the whole circumstances of the case. By their decision, a sum of 32501. has been awarded to Dr. Reid. The arbi- trators took evidence at thirty-one meetings, and examined a number of witnesses. Their decision is said to have been restricted entirely to tho legal claims of the case. Mr. W. Forsyth, M.A. barrister, was appointed on the part of the Government; and Dr. John Forlies, F.R.S., D.C.L., on the part of Dr. Reid. They appointed the Honourable G. Denman as umpire ; but having agreed as to their decision, his services were not called in.