THE election for North Hackney on Wednesday resulted in a great Unionist victory. The total poll of 1885 was ,238; of 1886, 5,199; and of 1892, 7,951, or close upon 8,000. Yet on this large and largely increased poll, the Unionists got a majority of 969, Mr. Bousfield polling 4,460 votes, against 3,491 given for Mr. Meates. Yet Mr. Meates had been in the field for several months, while Mr. Bousfield was not in the running till after Sir Lewis Pelly's death, as Sir Lewis Pelly had intended to stand again. The Gladstonians admit that it is a great defeat, and that the hopes raised by the crushing defeat of the Moderates in the elections for the London County Council two months ago, have been utterly disap- pointed. The truth, we suppose, is that the London elector cares a great deal more about his political party than he does about his rates and taxes. The former is almost part of his religion, the latter only an element in his housekeeping. He is not timid about a raid upon his pockets, but he is indignant at any attack upon his traditions.