The German Emperor has again seriously offended all Liberals in
his dominions. A sentry recently in Berlin ordered a passer-by who had broken some rule to halt, and on his escaping, fired at him. He was killed, and the bullet passing through him seriously wounded an innocent stander-by. By military law the sentry was within his right, and could not be pUnished ; but the Emperor called him up during an inspec- tion, promoted him to the rank of corporal, hoped that he "would always distinguish himself by courage and decision," and finally shook hands with him, the latter an honour without precedent. It is felt that, while his Majesty may be perfectly right in passing over the affair, the sentry having strictly obeyed orders, his special reeognition is an encouragement to all sentries to distinguish themselves by shooting unarmed civilians. William II. has clearly still to learn the virtue that lies in silence.