Colonial Office List for 1892. By John Anderson, of the Colonial Office. (Harrison and Sons.)—The new edition of this compre- hensive publication contains, among other recent statistics, the figures of last year's Census, except in the case of one or two Colonies, which are unaccountably behind-hand in making up their returns. Queensland, West Australia, and New South Wales appear to have increased their population faster than any other Colonies since 1881,—the first two having grown about 70 per cent., and the last more than 50 per cent. (from 750,000 to 1,150,000) ; and New South Wales, which was 100,000 behind Victoria in 1881, now overtops that Colony by 12,000. The sections describing some of the British Protectorates, such as the Malay Native States, British Zambesia and Nyassaland, the Oil Rivers, and the Western Pacific Islands, have been much amplified. This and other new matter has compelled the editor to omit the Colonial tariffs, which (alas for the anti-Free-trade policy of our Colonies!) in recent editions occupied a considerable number of pages. A complete set of these tariffs was recently laid before Parliament, and any changes will be published from time to time in the Board of Trade Journal.