14 MAY 1927, Page 2

The important international Economic Conference Geneva has made fair progress

so far, and it is expee that it may come to an end about May 21st, a li earlier than had been expected. The special corresponde of the Times says that the general agreement as to causes of the disquieting economic situation has noteworthy. The presence of the Soviet representative has naturally caused much curiosity. Most of the d gates have been bored by the Russians' irrelevant harp upon the " Capitalist System," but it is felt to be sa factory that the Soviet plainly wants to enter into Cl'' economic relations with the rest of the world. desire is, of course, inspired by the need for credits, an which is so urgent that it has caused the Soviet vol tarily to bring forward the question of pre-War deb The Russians did not understand that though this tl of grace was welcome, such proposals could not possib be discussed by the Economic Conference.

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