14 MAY 1927, Page 40

' THE JEWEL OF MALABAR. By Donald Sinderby. (Murray. 7s.

6d.)—The heroine of this story is Kamayla, a beautiful Hindu girl with whom Sir John Bennville, a young English officer, involved in fighting in South-West i India, falls desperately in love. Kamayla is so devoted to him that she becomes a Christian. After her conversion, however, she comes under Roman Catholic influence, and, being told that her marrying Sir John would ruin his prestige and prospects, she proves her love by renunciation and enters a convent. In its simple way the story is pleasing enough. But the romantic element in it is the thread upon which the author has strung his own vivid and stirring memories of the Moplah RebeEion of 1921 ; and it is these first-hand scenes that give special interest to his book.