At the recent meeting of the London and Lancashire Insurance Company, Limited, the Governor, Mr. F. W. Pascoe Rutter, was able to make a very satisfactory statement to the shareholders, showing that the total premiums for the year, apart from the Life Account, increased from £6,325,000 to £6,558,000, while the total profit was £731,635, leaving, after deducting British taxation, a net surplus of L581,672, which Was practically identical with the figure in the previous year. The directors announced their intention of increasing the interim dividend, payable in November next, by Is., making 16s. a share. Mr. Pascoe Rutter made some very timely observations with regard to the Labour disturbances of last year, for although the company's prosperity was not directly affected, Mr. Rutter, like other heads of great financial concerns, recognizes that these constant disturbances cannot continue indefinitely without the whole prestige of the country being seriously damaged.