Miss Joy Langton is the niece of the late Mr.
Charles Gordon-Frazer, the artist, and Cannibal Feast (Herbert Joseph, los. 6d.) is the story of his visit to the New Hebrides where he witnessed the cannibal feast which was the subject of his best-known picture. Miss Langton does not tell us the sources of her information, nor when the events hap- pened, for she is not writing history, but a sort of imaginative reconstruction of her uncle's adventure. Without doubting for a moment the general authenticity of the narrative, it is impossible not to suspect that her
documentary material was slight : other- wise why has she padded out the story with so much dialogue and description of the boys' adventure-book type? One cannot believe that Mr. Gordon-Frazer really talked in the tense man-to-man idiom of a B.O.P. hero. Whether he did or not, this account of his experi- ences is made almost unreadable by the cheap trimmings with which his niece has unfortunately adorned it.