14 MAY 1948, Page 17


Snt,—There is surely a grave defect in the. Children Bill, as in most other discussions and projects about child welfare. I refer to the fact that children in general, and boys in particular, need both parents (or foster-parents) from a very early age indeed. In short, orphanages, cottage-homes and other institutions for homeless or " unwanted " children should in all cases be entrusted to the care of married couples. The argument that the " mothering " of children provides an outlet for the " maternal instincts " of unmarried women should not be allowed to weigh for a moment against the real point at issue, viz., what is best for the children themselves. On this very vital question I would draw attention to a most suggestive chapter (VIII) in Pearl Buck's highly stimulating book, Of Men and Women. G. F. POLLARD. 31 South Street, Barnstaple, N. Devon.