Sir: Eric Heffer's article defending Liver- pool against Richard West (16 April) is a fine example of the sentimentality that has replaced thought among Labour politi- cians. To say Liverpool's dockers and other workers are no more strike-prone than other (Presumably British) workers is a pretty back-handed compliment when it is West's thesis that Liverpool dockers simply epitomise Britain's suicidal 'work' prac- tices.
'Compassion' and 'solidarity' are fine words certain to bring tears to mawkish socialist cheeks. But since the solidarity of' dockers elsewhere in the world takes second Place to their desire to eat, it is not surpris- ing Liverpool's lot have struck and priced
themselves out of employment. Their distaste for bonus schemes and desire to earn no more than the sexagenarian Fred Jones would be more admirable if they were less anxious to preserve differentials over other workers.
Eric Heffer, the man I believe once said he was proud of never having had a passport because he loathes 'abroad' so much, would like to blame geography and war bombing for Liverpool's decline. Ham- burg was even worse hit.
And the planners who completed Liver- pool's ruin were one and all products of Labour administrations.
Myles Colshare
Pear Tree Cottage, Bramley, Hampshire