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THE WAY OF INDIVIDUATION by Jolande Jacobi. Mrs Pickering, 21 Lielfield Drive, Ledgley Park, Prestwick, Manchester. Tel: 061 798 9582 eves or weekends.
THE COMING RACE by Lord Lytton, any edition. B. Smith, 53 Kalliness, Weisdale, Shetland.
LE OPERE DI DANTE ALIGHIERI ed. Moore & Toynbee (0.U.P. 4th or 5th edition). Keith Marshall, 47 Breezemount Close, Conlig, County Down. Tel: 0247 52920.
VOLTAIRE by Andre Maurois (English transla- tion) and 'Diaries of William Hickey' published 1913-1925, 4 vols. Box No: 307MC.
THRILLING CITIES by Ian Fleming, original edition. Von Stumm, 20 Colherne Road, London SW10.
MEETING AT POTSDAM by Charles Mee Jnr (Andre Deutsch 1975). 10 copies required. C. Dobson, 58 St James's St, London SW1. DAVID BLAIZE by E. F. Benson (Hodder & Stoughton 1915). J. Moreton, 8 Ardeevin Rd, Dalkey, Co Dublin.
L' ENFANT ET LA VIE FAMILIALE sous den regime by Phillippe Aries. Cecil Watson, Teston, Kent ME18 SAL.
PEREGRINACIONES A SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA by L. Vazquez de Pargo, J. M. Lacarra & J. Uriariu, 3 vols (Madrid 1948) and 'The Way of St James' by G. G. King, 3 vols (New York 1920). Colin Roberts, Little Grange, Eaton Park Road, Cobham, Surrey.
HENRY JAMES LETTERS, edited by Percy Lubbock. M. Seymour, 2 Lisburne Road, Hampstead, London NW3.
BIG TIGER AND CHRISTIAN by Fritz Muhlenweg, translated by I. and F McHugh (J. Cape) and 'Stands to Reason' by G. M. Hibbins (Macmillan Australia 1977). M. Cave, 4 Arun- dale Avenue, Manchester 16.
MICHAEL SADLEIR: `Desolute Splendour' and `Blessington d'Orsay'. J. Dew, FC0 (OECD Paris) London SW I.
THE DEVIL IN GREENLANDS by John Newton Chance and 'Midsummer Murder' by Clifford Witting. R. F. Carter, 30 Belluton Rd, Knowle, Bristol BS4 2DW.
THE AGGRAVATIONS OF MINNIE ASHE by Cyril Kersh. Please state condition and price. Cyril Kersh, Sunday Mirror, Holborn Circus, London EC I P 1 DQ.
ITALIA ITALIA by Peter Nichols. 2 copies preferably in good condition & details to Daniela Israelachwili, Trinity College, Oxford OX I 3BH. THE QUEEN'S JEWELLERY by Sheila Young (Ebony Press 1968). L. Field, 65 Cadogan Square, London SW1.
CARTOON COLLECTIONS OF DAVID LOW particularly 'Low's Political Parade' (The Cresset Press 1936) and 'Europe since Versailles' (Penguin Special 1941). Mr C. Shepherd, 16 Vin- cent Square, London SWI. (01-629 7711 x3392).
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