Junk these machines
From Jessica Johnson
Sir: I sympathise with Nicola Horlick’s horror at the unappetising and unhealthy victuals she witnessed being consumed at a picnic on Bank Holiday Monday (Diary, 7 May). The same day I had the misfortune to be in the A&E department of one of our new PPI hospitals in Swindon and was further traumatised to observe vending machines producing the same kind of junk fodder Horlick sees in schools. It seems clear that the Department of Health has neither bargaining room nor real initiative where private enterprise operates in the public sector. If the now muzzled NHS cannot even take a stand on re-educating the public about the evils of an unhealthy diet, then in the long run we will have created a sick society and greater demands for hospital beds. Jamie Oliver — your hospitals need you!
Jessica Johnson Malmesbury, Wiltshire