United States Pictures. By Richard Lovett, M.A. (The Religious Tract
Society.)—This handsome volume, which contains, in addition to a map, 157 engravings, is an excellent one to put into the hands of a boy who is outgrowing the ordinary story- book stage. Mr. Lovett, who has had great experience in this kind of work, as he has published "Norwegian Pictures," " Irish Pictures," &c., has special qualifications for the task he has under- taken. He spent nearly ten years of his youth in the United States, was educated at an American school, and lived all through the Civil War on the other side of the Atlantic. It is, of course, an old story that he has to tell, but he tells it very easily and clearly, and he omits no branch of his subject, from the troubles of a visitor to the United States, to the struggle between Gentiles and Mormons in Salt Lake City. The engravings with which the book is studded are admirable, without being in the slightest -degree pretentious.