14 NOVEMBER 1908, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR or THZ "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Some time ago you were good enough to offer some advice to working men on Socialism. I have as yet seen no response. May I therefore, as a working man, make a few comments on your article concerning the above in last week's issue ? The Daily News and Daily Express are for once unanimous in attributing the Socialist defeat to the coalition of Liberals and Unionists. The Saturday Review thinks the split in the party over the Grayson incident was responsible. We Socialists therefore see no reason to be disheartened. Our Societies gain in numbers daily. And remember, with us every convert is a worker ; mere subscription-payers are absent. Going back to the article, there is the statement : " The British elector will not tolerate Socialism when he sees clearly what it means." Then you show that this same British elector has already consented to State feeding of children, maintenance of the aged, and provision of work for the work- less. To these I would add, as being essentially Socialistic, the Army, Navy, municipal trading, Death-duties, and the Income- tax. Is the British elector going to abolish these, or do you deny thdt they are Socialistic ? Lastly, will you deprive me of the privilege of reading the Spectator by abolishing the public library ? I am unable to afford the necessary weekly