14 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 24

The selection from Mr. Wilfrid Scawen Blunt's poetry which was

published sixteen years ago, by Messrs. Henley and Wyndham, was "rigorously censored." The author now gives us his own final edition of his Poetical Works (Macmillan and Co., 2 vols., 15s. net), in which the omissions are restored and many new poems are added. It will be welcome to all who admire, from the literary point of view, the work of "Proteus." For Mr. Blunt on the political side we can express nothing but the strongest reprobation. His Egyptian record calls for contempt as well as condemnation by all patriotic Englishmen. His only excuse, and it is a poor one, is vanity, egotism, and self-sufficiency carried to the highest point.