14 NOVEMBER 1925, Page 38


Those who are fond of tracing a parellel between the post-War financial problems of to-day and those of the period immediately following the Napofeciiiie 'Wars will read with interest a volume bearing the above title, 'mitten- by Mr. A. W. Acworth, aDd published by- P. S. King & Son, Limited. It deals with the financial pro- bletns -of Great Britain in the years 18-1S to ,1822, years in which the Chancellor of the -Exchequer was, of course, harassed with financiaLlegacieg or the War. it is a book which, perhaps, is all the- better worth reading because there is no attempt to-dra* any close parallels:- between conditions a _century ago and _those obtaining to-day ; nor is there ohy -suggestion that the reniedies of the past century would: be-suitable :on the presentoccasion. Nevertheless, it is impossible to read the_ book, and in particular to - study. such: chapters as those dealing with Capital Levy Schemes,- the Return to - the Gold Standard, and the Reintroduction of Gold Coin, - without being impressed with the manner in which, as regards financial problems, history repeats itself.