The Adelphi has strengthened its attractions this week by two
light and laughable interludes. One is the popular piece Anthony and Cleo- patra; in which WRIGHT resumes his old part of Anthony the tailor- hussar, and a Miss WooLcart made her London debut as the sempstress Cleopatra, and danced herself into the favour of the town. The debu- tante has a pretty face and figure, with a neatly-turned ankle, and dances charmingly : the gayety of her expression and abandon of her style are fascinating ; and she never exceeds the bounds of modest confidence. The other is a new adaptation from the French by Mr. SELBY, called The Moral Philosopher ; in which Miss EMMA STANLEY exhibits her versatility and vivacity in four different characters, and 0 SMITH revels in grim and grotesque drollery. Miss STANLEY is a clever and effective actress ; her style is dashing, but coarse withal, and her audacity too obtrusive to be agreeable : her best piece of acting is the old Nurse, which is necessarily free from this objection ; the imitation of the old woman's singing is capital.