Tuesday, Oct. 10.
Green and Wicking, Sutton at Hone, Kent. millers—A. and M. Stanley, Blackburn, innkeepers— Lees and Co. Oldham, coal merchants—Williams and Wood, Worcester, lineudrapers— Se ill and Elkin, Stoke-upon-Trent. earthenware manufacturers- Usherwood and Ellis, Warbletou, Sussex. drapers—M. A. and R. Long, Taunton, stonemasons—Blakeley and Thomas—R. and T. Best, Cuck field, brewers—Goode and Thomsett, Cheap side, surgeons—Seward and Greatrex, Epping, wheelwrights—E. J. and E. J. Bath, New Road, St. George's in the East, corn dealers —Morrisou and Sons, Crown Court, Philpot Lane, leather merchants—Dewe and Fox, Derby, enemies- Dud'ey Post Fouudry Company, Stafford, iron-founders—Smith and Co. Lower Thames Street, porter battlers—Pickard and Son, Birmingham, tool manufacturers —Meryou and Holloway, Rye, farmers—Wayne and Davies, Merthyr Tydfil. curriers—Sueade and Barlow, Liverpool, cabinet makers—Proctor and Co. Sheffield, common brewers ; as far as regards Procter—Firth & Co. Marsden. Yorkshire, silk-spinners; as far as regards Wood.
Davis. Cursitor Street, painter—Bailey, Handsworth, superanuuated clerk—Dunn, Birmingham, saddlers' ironmonger—Hewitt Aston, near Birmingham, general-dealer — Cope, Burslem, crate-maker—Starkey.Stoke upou-Trent, cow-keeper—Calvert, Otley, pig-jobber—Worrall, Manchester, out of business—Pennington. Huddersfield, joiner— Callum, Leeds, journeyman wheelwright—Hutchinson. Manchester, confectioner— Cooper, Berner's Mews, Oxford Street, job-master—Lancashire, Manchester, com- mission agent—Preston, Wandsworth Road, baker—Frith, Horton Old Town, plumber —Edwards. Liverpool, waiter—Saxb', Brighton, plumber—Minium. Cannon Street, tailor's foreman —Impey, Hitchin, haircutter —Keate, Cardiff, shoemaker.
Bizarre, GEORGE, Red Lion Street, Hulbert', poulterer, Oct. 10.
Brestarr, JOHN, Shiffnal, druggist. BANKRUPTS.
BARANDON, FaxnEtnex WILLIAM EUGENE, Philpot Lane, merchant, to surrender Nov. 8,22: solicitor. Phillips, Clement Lane; official assignee, Johnson. Coleman Street.
Deems. JOHN and Itscsuen, Chiswell Street, drapers, Oct. 19. Nov. 22; solicitors. Messrs. Sole, Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Lackiugton, Coleman Street Buildings.
BIALLErr, Joan. Hadley, miller, Oct. 19, Nov. 22: solicitor, Mr. Sadgrove, Mark Lane; official assignee, Mr. 1=1E11/glen, Coleman Street Buildings.
MILLuarrorr, Jonw. and SAL-ma. THOMAS. Manchester. calico-printers. Oet. 24, Nov. 14: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; Messrs. Milne and Sons, and Mr. Cooper, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Stauway, Manchester.
Nov. 3, Weigall, Conduit Street, tailor—Nov. 3, Winton and Co. Wood Street. ware- housemen—Nov. 3. J. and J. Baylis, Gutter Lane, crape-manufacturers—Nov. 1, Burtou, Wood Street, silk.warehouseman—Nov. 1, Bancroft, Salford, grocer —Nov. 1, Gooldeu. Weichpool, carrier. CERTIFICATES To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the thy of meeting, Nov. 2, Hannay, Cavendish Square. banker —Nov. 2. Vasty. St Paul's Churchyard, merchant—Nov. 1, Trafford. Hatton. Lincolnshire, innkeeper—Nov. 1. Buchanan and Cunningham. Liverpool. merchants—Nov. 4. Barker. Wrockwardine, Shropshire. mercer—Nov. 9, J. and II. Goddard, Market Harborough, bankers—Nov. 4, Broom- head, Birmingham, merchant. To be gestated, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Oct. 31. Adnurn, Dorriugton Street. Clerkenwell, upholsterer —J. and G. A. Wilkinson, I.eadenhall Street, indigo brokers—Chew, Clipaton, Northamptonshire, flour-dealer- Kay, Chiswell Street, victualler.
Lampen, Devonport, lineudraper; first and final div, of 2s. any day after Oct. 20; Mr. Hernaman. Exeter—Gibbs, Exeter, tailor; first and final div. of 6s. any day after Oct. 20; Mr. Hernamau. Exeter—Jones, Landkey, Devonshire. time burner; first and final div. of Is. id. any day after Oct. 20 ; Mr. Hernamau. Exeter—Parke, Liverpool. druggist ; second div. of Is. 4d. on Oct. 18. or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Follett. Liverpool—Boult and Addison. Liverpool, stockbrokers; first div. of 10td. on Oct. 18, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Follett, Liverpool — Cock, Bangay, miller; div. of 6d. on Oct. 19, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street—Crespin. Eastcheap. shipping-agent; div. of 9d. on Oct. 12. or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Gibson. Basinghall Street—Davis. Bromley, innkeeper ; div. of 4d. ou Oct. 12. or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street—Cobham and Wright, Peckham. builders; div. of Is. 6d. on Oct. 19, or any subsequent Wednes- day; Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street — Bayley, Rolherhithe, shipbroker; div. of 41d. on Oct. 12, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street— Richmond. Lime Street, merchant ; div. of Is. 8d. on new proofs, on Oct. 12, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Gibson. Basinghall Street—Bergen. Bucklersbury, hardwareman; die. of Is. 6d. on Oct. 19. or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Gibson. Basinghall Street —Bainett. Sydetiliam, builder; div. of 2s. 9d. ou Oct. 12, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street—Turmaine. Canterbury, porter-merchant; div. of 6d. on Oct. 12, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Gibson. Basiuglutll Street — Basely, High Street, Southwark, cheesemonger ; div. of Is. 6d. on Oct. 19, or any sub- sequent Wednesday; Mr. Gibsen, Basinghall Street—Wright ; div. of 10s. on Oct. 12, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Gibson. Basiughall Street.
ANDERSON. MATHEW, Glasgow, spirit-dealer, Oct. 16, Nov. 13. Ccurrs, JOHN junior, Keig. Aberdeenshire, cattle dealer, Oct. 13, Nov. 3, Mermen. JOHN, Glasgow, merchant, Oct. 23, Nov. 6. THOM, GEORGE and Co. Whiffet. cattle-dealers, Oct. 17, Nov.7.
Timm, ALEXANDER. Clarkston, cow-feeder, Oct. 17, Nov. 7.
Friday, Oct. 13.
Blackburn and Stansfield. Bradford. waste dealers—Taylor and Co. Newport. Mon- mouthshire, linendrapers—Cousins and Co. carpenters—Blagiten and Turner, Petworth, apothecaries—Clarke and Co. Bristol; as far as regards J. B. Clarke—Mills and Sons, Oxford Street, upholsterers—Salmon and Co. Wendens Arnim, Essex, millers—Busch. man and Co. metal agents—W. and J. Sinnott, Bowling-green Lane. Clerkenwell, scavengers—Folding and Cowell, Liverpool, wine-dealers—Hirt and Clarke, Stroud. Gloucestershire, lineudeapers—Moss and Co. Old Swan Lane. Thames Street, wharf- ingers; as far as regards H. Moss— Buckley and Aspden, Manchester. calico-print- eugravers—Lamp.ard and Crockford Heytesbury, surgeons —Baty and Rightnn, Lea- mington Priors. silk-mercers—Kilburn and Co. Marsden. Yorkshire, coal-proprietors- Clements and Co. Hammersmith. tailors—Elam Brothers, Oxford Street, truss-makers — blues and Co. Glasgow, goldsmiths. osuLARATioms or larsoLviNCV UNDER THE NEW ACT.
Aylmore, West Wittering, Sussex, farmer—Miller. Kenai Green, plumber —Hinch- cliff. Dewsbury. grocer—Dawson. Huddersfield, clothier—Allen, Liverpool, shipwright — Hull, Shropshire Place, Tottenham Court Road. cab.proprietor — Goullet. Glouces- ter, surgeon—Huggett, Seal, Kent. saddler—Lee. Soley Terrace, Atuwell Street, ware- houseman's assistaut—Rose. Price's Terrace, Westminster Road. lately an hotel- keeper's assistant—Parrott. Marlborough Place, Walworth Road. out of business— Welch Ashborne, Derbyshire. th-rueyMullins,Southampton Street, Strand, surgeon — Dutton, Leadeuhall Street, ironmonger.
FILHEY, WILLIAM EDWARD, Norwich, wine merchant, to surrender Oct. 25. Nov. 16: solicitors. Messrs. Hill and Matthews, St. Mary Axe ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.
HAeanner, 1../HIPH. Brighton, coach builder, Oct. 30, Nov.24 : solicitor, Mr. Cross, Surrey Street; official assignee, Mr. Turquaud, Old Jewry Chambers. HARRIsON, JOHN WILLIAM. Stockton upon-Tees, grocer, Oct.30. Nov. 20: solicitors, Messrs. Maples and Co. Old Jen ry ; and Messrs. Couwell and Ridley, Newcastle- upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. RIDGEWAY, JOSEPH, Manchester, merchant, Oct. 26, Nov. 21: solicitors, Messrs. Bower and Back. Chancery Lane ; and Messrs. Barlow and Aston, Manchester; offi- cial assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester. SMALLEY, JOHN, Sneinton, Nottinghamshire, ironfounder, Oct. 26, Nov. 28: soli- citors, Mr. Bewley, Nottingham ; and Mr. Smith, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham. WuIDBORNE. THOMAS JAMES. Liverpool. chemist, Oct. 26, Nov.14: solicitors, Messrs. Hall and Co. Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Neal, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool. Woonaurr, James LEONARD, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, innkeeper. Oct. 25. Nov. 15: solicitor, Mr. Paterson, Itouverie Street ; official assignee, Mr. Lacking- ton. Coleman Street Buildings. DIVIDENDS.
Nov. 6, Boyd, Piccadilly, publican—Nov. 6, Barwise, Pall Mall, house decorator— Nov. 6, Langton, Barge Yard, Bucklersbury, merchant—Nov. 7, 011erenshaw, Man- chester, hat.manufacturer—Nov. 2, Hardie, Manchester, merchant—Nov. 10, North, Bath, tavern keeper—Nov. 7, Hooper, Hay, Breconshire, chemist—Nov. 7. Edwards, Pembroke, miller—Nov. 9, Pitt, West Bromwich, hatter.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day of media,.
Nov. 6, Andrews and Twining, Peckham, brewers—Nov. 6. Watkins, Exmouth Street, draper — Nor. 3, Elliott. Chichester, builder—Nov. 3, Marriage, Moulshaus, Essex, miller—Nov. 10, Jackson, Hertford. upholsterer—Nov. 11, Smith, Goldsmith Street, Wood Street, warehouseman—Nov. 7, Christeluw, York. woollendraper —Nov. 14, Beard and Herbert, Gloucester, timber dealers—Nov.7, Edwards, Pembroke, mil. ler —Nov.7, Scott, Liverpool, earn-merchant—Nov. 19, Jones. Birkenhead. plumber —Nov. 8. Hellings and Co. Rugely, brewers—Nov. 8, Hitchcock, Alrewas, Stafford- sh:re, worsted-manufacturers.
To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Nun. 3. Harris, Sharp's Buildings. Tower Hill, slopseller—Junes, Caruarvon. draper—Da- vies, Abercarue. Monmouthshire, grocer —Rawliuson, St. Helen's, Lancashire, alum- manufacturer—Skinner, Dorking, butcher —Ilolebrook, Uttoxeter, plumber —Buruley, Heckmondwike, Yorkshire, miller—Lee, Liverpool, ironfounder—J. and T. Harriman, Nottingham, drapers —Buttomley, Delph-within-Saddleworth, Yorkshire. woollen. manufacturer —Laughton, Wisbeach St. Peter's brewer—Gooddy and M Kee. King. aton.upon-Hull, millers—Swallow, Halifax, Yorkshire, miller—Bond. Brierley Hillt Staffordshire, wine-merchant—Oates, Glossop. Derbyshire, innkeeper—Beer and Has- tick, St. Thomas-the Apostle, Devonshire, coal-merchants. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.
Nottingham, Cheltenham, picture-dealer; div. of 3s. 6d. on Oct. 25, or any succeed- ing Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Bristel—Densem. Bath, tailor ; div. of 2s. 2d. on Oct. 25, or any succeeding Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Bristol—Stevens. Ithodeswell, Lime- house. road-contractor ; first div. of 71. on Oct. 18, and three following Wednesdays; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane—Moss and Co. Carr Mill, Lancashire, cotton spinners ;
second div. of 6s. id. on Oct. 24, or any following Tuesday ; Mr. Hob sou, Manchester, — Potter, Manchester. merchant; final dm. of id. on Oct. 29, and every following Tuesday; Hobson, Manchester—Fletcher, Maryport, Cumberland, boiler manufacturer ; first div. of Is. 6d. cn Oct. 21, or any following Wednesday; Mr. Baker, Nee castle Upoll.Tyne- J. and J. Baylis, Gutter Lane, crape-manutacturers; first div. of 31.6d. ou Oct. I4, or any following Wednesday ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry.
CARDNO, P., Aberdeen, stoneware merchant. Oct. 17, Nov. 7.
Plasm A., Inverness, grocer, Oct. 21, Nev. 11.
&mesas, T,, Greenock, merchant, Oct. 21, Nov. 11.