14 OCTOBER 1843, Page 21


WAR-OFFICE, Oct. 13.-1st Regt. of Life Guards —Cornet J. M. Hogg, from the 9th Light Drags. to be Coruet and Sub-Lieut. vice Colston, who exchanges. 1st Drags.- Lieut, C. C. W. Sibthorp to be Copt, by purchase, vice Peel. who retires; Cornet sr, de C. G. Elmsall to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Sibthorp; H. Croft. Gent. to be Cor- net, by purchase, vice Elmsall. 12d Drags.—Assist: Sorg. J. R. Brush. M.D., from the St. Helena Regt. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Wedderburne who resigns. 4th Light Drags.—Cornet E. Colston, from the 1st Life Guards, to be Cornet, vice Hogg, who exchanges. 8th Light Drags.—Lieut. H. F. Cust, from the 25th Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Haffendeu, who retires. 9th Regt. of Foot —Ennsi„en F. P. Lea, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Layard, appoiuted to the 38th Foot; Second Lieut. It. O'Connor, from the 60th Fout, to be Eusign, vice Jennings, elm exchanges. 17th Foot—Lieut. W. W. Johnson, from half pay 91st Foot, to be L'eut. vice Harvey. pro- moted. 20th Regiment of Foot—Ensign H. Murray to Le Lieutenant without purchase, vice Aillercron, deceased; A. Beatty, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Murray. 25th Foot—Ensign G. Bent to be Lieut. by purchase. lire Cost, appointed to the 8th Light Drags. ; Ensign C. Howson. from the 90th Foot. to be Ensign, vice Bent. 29th Foot—Lieut. H. G. Colvin, from the 39th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Corcoran, appointed Paymaster to the 46th Foot. 34th F, ot—Lieut. F. Deno be Capt. by purchase. vice Lee. who retires ; Ensign J. Maxwell to be Lieut by purchase, vice Duff; D. M. Pyre, Gent. to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Maxwell. 35th Foot—Set:leant-Major H. S.'Bowman to be Adjt. (with the rank of En.ign), vice Wheatstone. dec. 38th Foot — Lieut. A. Layer& from .the 9th Foot. to be Lieut. vice C. H. Fitzgerald, cashiered. 44th Foot—Lieut. W. C. Mellen to be Capt. by purchase, vice Half hide, mho retires: Ensign L. H. Scott to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Molten; J. S. Howard, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Scott. 50th Foot—Lieut. G. W. M. Lovett, from half-pay 26th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Smith, appointed to the 25th Foot. 60th Foot—Ensign G. B. Jennings. from the 9th Foot to be Secon dLieut. vice Connor, who exchanges. 67th Foot—V. Webb, Geut. to be Assist. Surg. vice Blakeney. appointed to the Royal Canadian Rifle Regt. 71st Foot--C. E. Watson, Gent. to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Otway, appointed to the Scotch Fusileer Guards; Assist.-Sur,,e. A. MUrigor, from the Rural Canadian Rifle Regt. to be Surg. vice Wilsou, dec. 84th Foot—Lieut. C. A. Half hide. from the 49th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Bamford, appointed Paymaster of the 59th Foot. 85th Foot—Lieut. T. E. Knox to be Adjt. vice Patterson, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 86th Fuot—Lieut C. Darby, from the 2d Foot, to be Lieut. vice Morrow, appointed Quartermaster of the 57th Foot. 87th Foot—Second Lieut. R. L. Turner to be First Lieut. without purchase, vice Fatuft, dec ; A. H. Quartley, Gent. to be Second Lieut. vice Turner. 90th Foot—J. A. Butler. Gent. to be Ensign, by pur- chase, vice Howson. appointed to the 25th Foot. 91st Foot—Lieutenant J. Christie to be Captain by purchase vice Blackwell, who retires; Ensign J D. Cochrane to be Lieuteuaut, by purchase. vice Christie; J. T. Bethune. Gent, to be Ensign, by pur- chase, vice Cochrane. 97th Foot—II. G. Woods, Gent. to be Ensign, without pur- chase, vice Kelly, who resigns.

Rifle Brigade— Second Lieut. J. R. Glyn to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Morrice, who retires.

3d West India Regt.—Lieut. F. W. Lane, from the 49th Foot, to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice Tighe, who retires.

Royal Canadian Rifle Regt.—Assist:Surg. E. H. Blakeney, from the 67th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. v ice M'Grigor, appaiated to tbe7lst Foot.

St. Helena Regt.—J. Mullins, Gent. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Brush, appointed to the 2d Drags.

ifessmandem—The date of the commission of Capt. C. Vereker, in the 27th Foot, to be the 4th Juue 1842, instead of the 17th Aug. 1838.

One Or ORDNANCE, Oct. 12.—Royal Artillery—Major-Gen. Sir T. Dowuman, K.C.H. to he Col.-Commandant, vice Lieut.-Gen. Beevor, dec.