The Kate, Wilson, bound t.r Liverpool, put back to Calcutta previous to 7th August, and aascoudemned.
The Sarah and Elizabeth, Billinghtust, of London, was taken possession of by the natives. in Collins Bay, 22d May. and burnt ; pa it of the crew saved by the Woodlark,Alert, and Pilot, and brought to Copaug. 26th May.
ARIIVRD—At Gravesend. 8th October, William Harris. Porter. from Singapore ; 9th Victoria, Mordaudt, from China; and Pathfinder, Metcalf, from Calcutta; iOth, Mary Bannatyne. Picken, from Calcutta ; and Vestal, Young, from Bombay; 11th, Devon, Mallory, from China; and Favorite. Case, from Madras. lu the Duwus, Raymond, 111'K ay ; and Susan, Neatby, from China; Martha Smith ; and Duilius, Uuderhill, from Calcutta; Australia. Cumming ; and Margaret, Joyce, from Bombay; and Earl Durham. Cabel, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 8th ditto. Lady Lilford, Scott ; and 11th. Alexander Grant, Thompson. from Bombay. At St. Helena, previous to 2d Sept. Minerva, Brown ; Oriental, Wilson ; Emma, White; Greealaw, Morris; Abberton, Cali; and St. Vincent, Young. from Chins; Spencer, Barkett; and Cordonan. Clare, from Manilla ; King William, Hoare; and Arethusa, Christian, from Batavia; Shep- herdess , Poole; and Elvira, Walker, from Singapore ; Moslem, French ; Liviupton, Rickarty ; Warrior, Barley; Symmetry, Butler ; Runnymede, M•Taggart ; and Para- gon, Plank, from Calcutta; Eden, Joues; and Ornell, Colburu, from Bombay. At Bombay, previous to 2.1 Aug. (finnan. Laird ; Superb, Stuart; and Bombay, Purley, from London ; Lancaster, Jeffers. n ; Mischief. Dowues ; Nimrod, Alkiu ; The Duke, Bissett; and Cumberland, Major, from Liverpool ; and Coromandel. Cunningham, from the Clyde. At Ceylon, previous to 17th Aug. Brunette, Cousens; William Gales, Venus; and Tigris, Lintou, from Loudon ; Antigua Packet, Hunter; and As- sam, M'Alpine, from Liverpool ; Lascar, Slieddon ; Parsee, Chimers; and William Mitchell, M•Lachlan. from the Clyde. At Madras. previous to 16th Aug. Tory, Rowe; William Jardine, Jones; Wigeou, Capes; Seringapatam, Peckett; Verona, Mould; Anna Robertson, Hamilton; Samaraug, Aldham ; Castle Eden, Heade; and Bengal Merchant, Ross. from London. At Calcutta, previous to 9th Aug. Reaper,Thompson ; Latta Roukh, Kenney; and Carnatie, Drayuer. from London; Priuceof Waterloo, Wil- liamson; Meg of Meldon, —; Delhi, Rubinson ; Blair, Aldham ; Countess of Mint*, Wishart ; Robert Night ; Currency, Broderick ; Patriot Queen. Adamson; Mary Sommerville, Snipe ; Queen Mah,Ainsley ; and Warlock. Bell, from Liverpool ; Merlin, Thompson ; Peru. Campbell; and John Wood, Rose, from the Clyde; Thetis, White, from Dundee ; and John George, Storey. from Newcastle. At Singapore. previous tollth Aug. W. S. Hamilton. Brown; Ariel, Puna; Eliza, thane; Cornwall, Matted; and Loudest, Edwards, from London; Thomas Lee. Wolff; Fanny Connell, Evans ; and Floraville, Braithwaite, from Liverpool. At China, previous to 31st July, Possidone, Valentine; City of Derry, Vincent; Zenobia, Beckman; Sappho, Dunlop; and Pas- senger, Wats.on, from Loudon ; Patna, Poasonby ; Auglesea, Rowlaud ; Albert Edward, Hughes; Ranger, DP Milian; Thomas Fielder), Blackstone ; Ingleborougb, Rae; Charles Jones, M.Fie; Nautilus, Gibson; Julio Laird, (iron ship) —; Aden, Clarke; lianhoe, Kilwair; Chieftain, Buruie; and Bahamian, 1 eaten, from Liver- pool ; and John Campbell, Pitcairn, from Glasgow.
SAILED—From Gravesead, 7th Oct. Morning Star, Harrison, for Ceylon; and 10th. Guineaman, Ormond, for Calcutta. SATURDAY Momenta. Aaarvin —In the Downs, 13th Oct, Chieftain. M. lutosh, from Bombay. At Calcutta, 3d Aug. Persian, Minton, from the Clyde.