L An Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue and other Receipts of the United Kingdom, in the undermentioned periods, ended October 10, 1854, compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.
QUARTERS ENDED 5th Jan. 5th April 6th July 10th Oct.
1854. 1854. 1854. 1854.
H. Increase and Decrease in the Quarter and Year ended October 10, 1854; and in the six months of the Financial Year, from April 5 to October 1Q, 1854, as compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.
QUARTER ENDED October 10,1864.
Increase. Decrease.
£ £
Customs - 150,107 Excise 351,912 -- Stamps 12,096 - Taxes - 12,539 Property Tax 569,686
Post-office 108,000 • - Crown Lands 11,672 - Miscellaneous
20,741 Total Ordinary Revenue 1,056,266 183,387 Imprest and other Monies
15,543 Repayments of Advances
307,148 Total Income 1,056,266 606,078 £550,188 £16 580 Net Increase. Net Increase. Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crests Lands Miscellaneous £ £ £ £ 4,881,292 4,705,206 5,093,137 5,513,006 3,934,688 2,335,091 9,692,118 5,164,995 1,639,578 1,790261 1,820,459 1,748,269 1,402,690 1139,309 1,436,927 116,680 435,558 2,681,364 1,339,131 2,517,090 335,000 282,000 379,000 341,000 80,000 65,000 65,000 61,572 27,531 27,051 64,268 36,947 Total Ordinary Revenue Imprest and other Monies Repayments of Advances 12,737;337 12,085,282 14,288,090 15,502,509 - 280,273 262,350 132,936 92,218 448,772 222,993 391,336 275,371 Total Income
13,466,382 12,570,025 14,816,312 15,870,096 QUARTERS ENDED
5th Jan. 5th April 1853. 1853. 5th July 10th Oct.
1853. 1853.
Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous
£ £
6,012,454 4,904,892 3,995,693 2,409,265 1,730,877 1,808,858 1,419,873 111,476 468,238 2,152,233 272,000 282,500 80,000 72,000 33,096 86,824 5,452,437 5,663,113 4,183,688 4,810,083 1,790,807 1,736.173 1,510,483 129,219 1.053,027 1,947,354 251,000 236,000 200,888 60,000 64,332 57,688 Total Ordinary Revenue Imprest and other Monies Repayments of Advances Total Income 13,012,231 11,777,518
143,648 207,044
611,350 346,603 13,767,229 12.231.093 14,506,662 14,629,630 284,901 107,759 497,040 582,519 19208,003 15,319808 Total of the Total of the Year ended Year ended 10th 10th Oct. 1854. Oct. 1853.
Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Total Ordinary Revenue Imprest and other Monies Repayments of Advances
£ £
20,193,641 21,082,528 15,5_6,892 15,398,729 6,998,567 7,06..716 3,154,606 3,171,051 6,972,093 6,620,852 1,340,000 1,041,000 271,672 , 402,888 115.797 191,940 54,613,168 53,926,071 768,776 743,352 1,341,472 2,037,412 Total Income 66,723,416 66,706,835 YEAR ENDED October 10, 1854.
Increase. Decrease.
£ £
- 839,255 128,183 - - 68,148 - 16,445 1,351,241 - 299,000 - 131,316 - 36,143 1,778,404 25,423 1,091,307 695,940 1,8e3,827 1,787,297 Customs
*Lyrae: offrotteLbrina bet.10,1854.
Increase. Decrease.
£ £
509,407 Excise 283,342
Stamps 41,748
87,095 Property Tax 854,790
Post-office 1111
Crown Lands
124,316 Miscellaneous
20.1105 Total Ordinary Revenue 1,395,680 741,623 Imprest and other Monies
166,508 B.epaymerlts of Advances
409,852 Total Income 1,395,8430 1,317,983 £77 697 Net Increase.
HI. An Account showing the Net Revenue and other Receipts of the Quarter ended the 10th of October 1804 ; the Application of the same, and the Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the said Quarter, together with the Surplus or Deficiency upon such Charge.
Surplus balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter ended July 5, 1864, viz.-
Great Britain Ireland £466,555 186,555 Balance of instalments of Exchequer Bonds appropriated by Parliament to Supply Services, remaining unissued on July 6,1864 85,000 Income received in the Quarter ended October 10.1854, as shown in Account I 15,870416 Instalments received in the Quarter ending October 10, 1854, for Exchequer Bonds
issued 2,324,762 Amount of Exchequer Bills (Supply) issued in the Quarter ending October 10,1854 NIL
18,448,413 Balance, being the Deficiency upon the Charge of the Consolidated Fund in Great Britain, and for which Exchequer Bills (Deficiency) will be issued, but reducible by the amount of the Sinking Fund, (264,6701.,) Included in the said Charge, to the sum of 2,195,9121 2,460,582 20,906,995 Amount applied out of the net income for the Quarter ended October 10, 1854, to redemption of Exchequer Bills (Deficiency) for the Quarter ended July 5, 1854. exclusive of 881,1961., the surplus charged to the Sinking Fund for the said Quar- ter, similarly applied Amount applied to pay off Exchequer Bills (ways and Means) issued in the Quarter ended July 5, 1854 Amount applied to Supply Services in the Quarter ended October 10, 1864- Out of Consolidated Fund £6,106,975 Out of Exchequer Bonds 2,399,165
Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter ended October 10, 185er4,
Permanent DebtDebt 5,846,194 Terminable Annuities 1,965,682 Interest on Deficiency Bills 7,450 Sinking Fund 264,670 The Civil List 100,117 Other Charges on Consolidated Fund 47080 Advances for Public Works, &e. 553,408 Balance of instalments of Exchequer Bonds appropriated by Parliament to Supply services, remaining unissued on October 10,1654 Surplus balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter ended October 10,1854, viz.
Great Britain - Ireland 134,363 134,863 £20,906,995 3,148,094 500,000 8,506,140 8,607,801 10,597