If the course of events in Transylvania has been, though
through no fault of the Rumanians, somewhat disappointing, another of our Latin Allies, the Italians, have been able to give this week the best possible account of themselves. They have struck a magnifi- cently powerful blow in the region of the Carso. Attacking on the line from the river Vippaeco to the south of Oppacchia.sella, they have won ground and taken over five thousand prisoners. At the same time they have advanced near Gorizia, which is
some eight or nine miles to the north, and taken eight hundred and sixty-one prisoners. In addition, five hundred and thirty prisoners have this week been taken by the Italians in the Trentino. Alto- gether, the total Italian bag of prisoners is only twenty-five short of six thousand five hundred. That is excellent news, and shows that, while the Austrian powers of resistance are rapidly weakening, there is no war-weariness on the part of the Italians. It is clear, indeed, that their Army is improving as steadily as those of Franca and Britain.