"It is queer how many of the Irish boys get
into Scotch and English regiments and vice-vend. I think many run away from Ireland and enlist on the other side because they are afraid of being stopped by their parents or friends if they try to enlist over here. I know several cases of parents being the hindrance to the lads joining. Our gardener's boy, for one, bolted one day to Glasgow and got into the H.L. Infantry. He has got on splendidly, and now his mother is proud of him. The boy's solo anxiety now is to got to France ! The same thing happened with another boy we employed, and though he had to tell us, he implored us not to let his mother know until he had enlisted. He, however, is in the Irish Rifles and now in France. I hoard from him the other day. I really think a lot of them would be thankful for conscription, as it would relieve them of the responsibility of choosing to go ; they are so like sheep, they only want leading."