ere TRH EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR."] Sist,—May I beg for a few lima in which to thank you and your generous readerslor their response to my letter of appeal on behalf of the Scottish Women's Hospitals ? The ambulance column and field hospitals which had been so promptly equipped and despatched by the London Com- mittee were accorded an enthusiastic reception on disembarking at Archangel, and were at once hurried on their way to the front to [oin the Serbian division of the Russian Army, where they are now believed to be at work. Dr. Inglie has already cabled for more workers, and for a base hospital, and their need emboldens me to beg once again, and to remind all who feel generous that cheques and postal orders crossed "London County and Westminster Bank, Victoria Branch," will still be gladly welcomed by the Hon. Treasurer, The Lady Cowdray, 58 Victoria Street, S.W., or by yourself at 1 Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C. In that case the checrues should be made payable to the Spectator and the envelopes addressed to the editor. The work of these hospitals is an instance of the intimate and successful co- operation of three of the Allies, and the importance of the British share in Suck co-operation with the Southern Slays can hardly be over-