While King Constantine hesitates M. Venizelos is busily organ- izing
the Provisional Coven:tient. He left Crete at the end of last week. Evidently he had information of a German plan for inter- cepting his ship, as at the last moment he changed from one ship to another. The ship in which he was supposed to be was chased for some distance by a German submarine. Proceeding by way of Chios and Mitylene, M. Venizelos went to Salonika. At Mitykne there were enthusiastic demonstrations, but it was evident that the populace did not sympathize with M. Venizelos's object of saving the dynasty. It is interesting to learn that the Turks of Itfitylene, who belong to the Old Turk Party, support the revolution. At Salonika M. Venizelos was again enthusiastically received, was greeted heartily by General &mail, and was blessed by the Greek Bishops.