14 OCTOBER 1922, Page 12


[Letters of the length of ons of our leadial p3ragrap!es are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.]


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—Referring to my letter on this subject, published in the Spectator of September 2nd, I find that I was in error in stating that the legitimacy of tyrannicide is a " probable opinion " in modern Roman Catholic casuistry. I was misled by the fact that Professor O'Rahilly, in the notorious article in the Dublin Quarterly in which he justified the assassination of unarmed policemen, appealed to the writings of sixteenth century casuists as if they were authoritative. At the time I wrote I was away from home and unable to look up references. The effect of this correction, however, is only to increase the responsibility of the Roman Catholic authorities in Ireland for the moral obliquity of their people on the subject of murder by showing that a rule which I had supposed to hamper their free action is non-existent.—I am, Sir, &c., HARRY R. REICHEL. Vaitherwen, Bangor, North Wales.