14 OCTOBER 1938, Page 42


The British anid Foreign Bible Society has cast its sixpenny annual report in an attractive form, emphasising the value of the spiritual bread that it disseminates in incredible quantities year by year throughout the world. The fourth centenary of the English Bible is recorded, and the progress of the Society since 1804 is outlined. Extracts from the experiences of the col- porteurs remind us that these astonishing men and women penetrate into the most remote regions. One man sold 6,772 volumes in Peru. Others sold 872,000 copies in Korea. The total circulation in a single year exceeded i r,000,000 Bibles and portions of the Bible. There are now about a thousand versions ; among the twelve now added is St. Luke in the Yugoslav gipsy dialect, the eighth dialect of Romany on the Society's list. This little book must strengthen our admiration for a body viAmie. work transcends „politici,:and makes for peace And goodwill.