Medical potential
From Dr G. P. Walsh Sir: It is a great disappointment that, as John Rowan Wilson claims (September 30), the old diseases of malaria and cholera and others, having escaped the public health net, are sweeping through the poor countries. Noted also is the abysmal GNP lot of such places compared to the rich. Despite these health hazards populations mount, particularly in crowded India and 'further India.' We have reached the moon and satellites spin round the world yet ti is true non-sophisticated bush clinics staffed by first-aid rather than doctors are the only practical step in these utterly different conditions from what we enjoy.
However, education may one day be brought to villages by TV satellite. Just because rocketry and science and technology are poles apart from endurance in the poor world we mustn't forget its potential, under great vigilance, to stem the tide of population, ignorance and sweeping disease. Man must never completely lose heart.
G. P. Walsh Norwood, 26 Gorse Road, Blackburn